Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I feel like an old woman cuz everythin I do hurts me :P My quads are killin from crouchin for like 2 hrs so goin up and down the stairs is an event and my arms hurt cuz the gun was heavy. Paintball is a painful game, haha.

My welt has gone down tho. It still hurts but you can't really see it anymore, I think it'll just be a light bruise.

Me, L, and P met up with Al at Timmy's yesterday to see how the talk with Pris about the Darien (they're cousins, just to remind...well, him and Pris' dad are cousins) situation went. I think it's all good now as long as he chills out. The original plan was that they'd be in Montreal for the Canada Day weekend, then to BC with his family who are visitin right now for a couple weeks, then he'd be on his own livin with Pris' family again til Oct, then back to England so he can get the papers to legally live in Canada the next yr.

Al had a long day so she bounced after that so we hit BP again for wings and nachos and their "house ice tea", hahaha. "Is that like house wine?" "You mean the normal ice tea?" "Oh, like Long Island iced tea??" Oh P, she makes me laugh. She's the kind of friend who says it like it is and does whatever everyone else is scared to do. We had the coolest server girl so we were talkin and jokin with her and basically givin her trouble cuz that's just P (ie. that time when she made the Jackass bartender make her like 3 diff drinks and wasted liquor and even got him on the phone with someone at another Jackass to make it right...but she tipped him $10 so she's good like that). The girl, Amanda, was really sweet and was all, you guys are funny.

So when you get the bill, the server usually just writes a "Thanks!" or a smiley face or somethin on it. P asks us for a pen and we're like, what're you doin, writin her a letter back? "Dear Amanda...*scribble scribble* Hugs, kisses!" LOL So she writes a lil note sayin thanks or whatever and ends it with "from Da Girlz". She's like, I hope she doesn't think we're tryin to hit on her, haha. Amanda's cleanin up some other tables and she's like, oh thanks for the note! You guys are so cute!

My dad decided to paint a couple rooms while I was out. Yeah, decided to do mine and moved all my shit around and knocked over just about everythin. So I have all this stuff I hafta pick up and move and put back in place. He also got white paint all over my black hat. Paint. ALL OVER. My hat. Then I had to sleep in my room with paint fumes :P Well I had the door open and it was mostly dry at that time. I would've slept downstairs but I knew somebody would wake me up goin about their loud business in the morning, cuz there's no doors on the rooms except for my brother's room, the bathroom, and the original 'laundry room' that leads out to the garage.

See, I'm not the one messin up my room. Time to go clean it up.


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