Friday, June 24, 2005

Notice how I'm not postin in the morning any more? That's cuz I don't hafta drive anyone! Exxxcellent.

That also means I'm strangely sleepin in til like 1. I don't really know why I'm takin all those hrs cuz it's not like I'm tired or anythin.

Painted my toenails, cleaned up my room, did the bar thing to watch the NBA final. I guess I wanted the Spurs to win cuz Darien was rootin for them.

I've noticed that I forget to breathe sometimes :P Yes figuratively but for real too. I know the human body does it unconciously (otherwise we'd all be dead, obviously) but I catch myself at times seemingly not doin it enough. Like I'm takin these really small shallow breaths or I realize that I've been holdin my breath completely...or not inhaling for a few moments anyway. Then I have to consciously and blatantly take a deep breath of air in my lungs. I'm so weird.

I've also realized I'm slow to notice how bad I've got it! Haha. --->Usher's "U Got It Bad"


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