Friday, June 10, 2005

The X&Y album is really good...but not as good as A Rush of Blood to the Head. You can't do better than AROBTTH's "The Scientist", "Clocks", and "Amsterdam". Freakin brilliant. But it's still the first few spins so I can easily change my opinion.

I found a photo album of my grandma's. The pictures are so '80s, like when I was maybe 3? I got kinda sad lookin at the ones of my grandma. Then I laughed when I saw my young self. I think I didn't know how to smile at that age cuz I had such an awkward, forced grin that showed mostly my bottom teeth :P But I was a cutie when I was smilin for real, I must say, haha. OMG the haircuts, the outfits (esp the matchin ones with my sister). I'm sure if I wore glasses back then, they would've been huge and horrendous too. And I had a thing with posing in that shy-child way, with my arms behind my back, yet in a fashion model lean, haha. Of course I have no memory of when these pix were taken except the one in front of the fountain in some big flower park we went to. It was those kinds that were in the ground so if you took a misstep, you'd fall into it like a swimmin pool. And that's exactly what happened to me :P I don't think I knew how to swim at that point so when I tumbled in backward, I tried to come up but bumped my head where there was concrete cuz I went underneath and I thought I was gonna drown. But I got out OK and had to spend the rest of the day with no shirt and wearin a spare jacket, haha. And that's why I remember that picture!


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