Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Argh, I would've gone with the girls to the Parasuco sale before Al had to work but here I'm thinkin, good thing I couldn't cuz I had to be online at 10 am to get Coldplay pre-sale tix. Didn't even get those! I'm a member and registered and it's all straight. But we didn't know that tix were either $57 or $71. Not crippling but it's gettin up there. So we decided before that as long as we're there for the show, it's all good, get the cheaper seats. It woulda been fine except that it was a US/Europe handler site (not Ticketmaster) and everythin was in US dollars...and with the Canadian dollar, that was gonna spike up. Plus international shipping. Whaaaat the eff. I called G and with L on the other line, we said screw it and take our chances on Sat morning when it goes on sale to the general public. So that was for crap.

And I didn't get to sleep. It's not too bad tho cuz Chris is back from her trip and we talked for a bit. I can't believe a month passed already, that can't be right.

I need to go to bed earlier. I have problems :P Last night, we just rented Blade Trinity (I love Ryan Reynolds, so funny) so it's not like I was partyin up hardcore. The world needs to shift so evening is the norm instead of morning and then I wouldn't be so off balance!

"One, that hairdo is...ridiculous." LOL


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