Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I've been out since 3:30. It was like an errands day for L cuz she wanted to develop her pictures, check her work schedule, look at bikes (she's 12 and wants one for a Christmas present...who buys a bike anymore? Haha), etc. We were in Canadian Tire for some time while her pix were gettin done. God, we looked at everythin. Automotive - car wash stuff, sound systems, FLOOR MATS...Outdoors - bikes, helmets, campin stuff, fishin stuff, pool stuff, BB guns, paintballs, tennis rackets (which we used to rally and promptly lost a ball into the shelves...we were gonna get scolded soon enough so we jetted outta that aisle). We even went out into the garden section outside to look at flowers and plants and shit. I'm like, L...it's like we're out shoppin for things to buy for our home together, this would be so much fun, haha. If only we were that rich and actually roommates...or spouses, haha.

Then it was off to McD's, then back to L's house, around her block for a walk, flaggin down G like hookers as she drove on her way to L's, haha. I think we really like chillin at G's cuz we ended up there again. Sarah was home so we hung out for a while til she begged us to take her out, so the 4 of us went to Milestone's. Sarah's a nut. Also, she is a drama queen. But she's funny so it makes it OK. I scared our waitress cuz we were sittin out on the patio and it was gettin chilly so we went inside to pay the bill and I did credit card so I had to give the tip receipt back to her and she was busy at her order station and I said hi and she whipped around and was like, OH!! Oh OK, thank you, have a good night! Haha. Slow service tho...I dunno what it is with the places we go to lately, it takes like half an hr or more to get our orders. G always ends up almost cryin cuz she's so hungry, haha.


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