Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Agh, these girl pains are killin me!! I hate this shit! Seems I bitch about this just about every month.

Friggin P calls me the other morning around 8:30-ish but that was the one day that I didn't hafta get up that early so I was like, wtf. Damn that girl sometimes. If I was out drivin that day, I would've still been out at that time anyway so I dunno why she was callin. So no sleepin in for me. I guess it was a good thing tho, cuz I just got the rag right then. Fuck. OMG the cramps this time. They get so bad that I can't even function. I went for an ultrasound a while ago cuz I figured this kinda pain just couldn't be normal but they didn't find anythin and so I suffer on. Meds help but I still hafta wait til they kick in and that can feel like an eternity.

THAT was a rant!

May 24 weekend's comin up. Tho I don't think we're goin anywhere this yr but that's OK as long as we party up home-styles, haha. I guess it's a good thing there was already vodka at Kimmy's party so I didn't have to break open my bottle ;)

I don't think I'll be goin to the Keane concert either. I would've liked to but again, it's a money thing...this month was...eesh :P And it's the weekend of Vick's bday so I'm not sure what's goin on for that but it's probably smarter to keep it open. On another note, COLDPLAY!! They're comin back for a tour in the summer and we're the first stop :D I will be dead before I miss this show. All other fans takin up tickets can move the fuck over cuz I've been into them since the first time I heard "Yellow" and I still haven't even been to one of their concerts.

"If you could see it, then you'd understaaaaaand!"


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