Friday, May 06, 2005

I was in bed by 2 yesterday, go me. Tonight? We'll see.

I'm totally blankin on whatever today's events were. It was G and Shaun's bday. But we're not doin anythin for that til later. Me and L left a really retarded voicemail on G's cell but it was like the highlight of her day, haha. "You're so close to 50, it's not even funny." LOL My god, I'm losin brain cells as the days go on...ummm...we went out for a bit today. Things happened, stuff was said, sights were seen. Wasn't that so descriptive? Oh well, I don't feel like writin about it. But not like one of those I'm-in-a-mysterious-and-sulky-mood-so-I'm-not-up-for-bloggin ways.

At least Fox was showin OC from last week and this week's eppy back to back. Smart. I'm no longer angry, haha.

Gooooood night!


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