Saturday, April 30, 2005

I emerged from a coma today, haha. I got so knocked out last night/this morning, I woke up past 2. We hit WEGZ last night and tho there wasn't any male action, but there was enough drinkin. They have a lot of hype specialty cocktails, I wanted to try half the menu. They didn't have 1 of the ingredients for this wicked lookin/soundin drink called the Metropolitan so I got a sour apple martini, but it's like kinda in a shot a martini glass without the stem. That was brutal, it was pure alcohol. And I had some Frozen After Eight, my usual Tom, and Stella. Yes I had beer. Why was I mixin, I dunno. Some beer is not that bad I long as I don't inhale through my nose. Ugh OMG, it smells like absolute hell.

I don't remember exactly everythin that went on except that I lost a Clorets mint in my bra somewhere somehow :P Don't even ask. And the mints that they give you when you get your bill were some Lifesaver ones that tasted like toothpaste. It was gross and our waitress came by just as we were about to leave. I didn't see she was comin and I spat it out into my empty glass (well it had some beer and a pack of artificial sweetener and a long straw in it...again, don't ask) from where I was standin (2 points!) and it made a 'clink' and a 'splosh'. G's like, I'm sorry you had to see that LOL

That's enough of that. I went with G on a whole bunch of errands today. I got the Keane CD for $6 :) Then we picked up Heather from work. We're all goin out to the bar tonight, cuz we're always tellin Heather and Clothes to come with us and I don't think they've ever gone barring before. You'd think they'd hit them once they turned 19.

P also called and said she wanted her new boy to meet up with us, and to tell us how their lil date went yesterday. Oh yeah, and Al's dates! 2 in a 3 days, haha.

Oh and my prof said he apparently misplaced a whole bunch of papers so I'd hafta send my questions again. Balls! I wonder if he'd let me off since he was the one who lost them...I don't have them saved or copied anywhere. He was really sorry about it but we can all make it equal if he'd just give me the 5% :P


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