Monday, April 25, 2005

This weekend deserves a smilie and a gold star :D

Me and P ran into Camille from hs at Q's (and Kendall who was a yr younger). I can't believe the ppl I'm seein these days. We used to be tight back in grade 9 and then of course when you get out of hs, you don't see anybody as much anymore. We used to catch eachother on the bus now and then and even tho we all live in the same area as we did in school, we don't come across eachother, as in anybody from hs. Things are weird like that. It was so good to see her. I remember when everybody was in love with her cuz she's from England and that accent was like the hypest thing we've ever experienced. "Does anybody have a ru-la?" "A what?" "A ru-la." (and she has to gesture with her hands a rectangle shape) "Oh, a ruler! I love your fuckin accent, say it again!" Haha.

Ian was there too. I'm happy to say it was civil :P There was also a way older man who asked for a hug too when we hugged Camille and Kendall (P's like, uhhhh...peace out! *does the peace sign*), and offered me peanuts outta nowhere for some reason, haha.

Oh yeah, that guy I met at the club on Sat had asked me for my email so we could talk on MSN. He was pretty much drunk and I wasn't sure he remembered any of this. The guy couldn't even work his phone to save my address :P At least he didn't get my number. So he added me yesterday and we chatted for a bit before I went out. Here's the funny thing...a part of the convo went like this...

"I remember all of it, I was the one who was sober."

"You didn't have a drink or anything at all?"

"No, drinkin gets expensive, haha"

"Cheap should have asked me to buy you a drink.
No wait, maybe you shouldn't have because I would have walked away."

"Haha, why's that??"

"Because some girls are like that. You buy them a drink and they stay until they finish their drink and then they walk away.
I got caught up in that once...biggest waste of $7 ever."

Hahahaha, that was exactly what I was thinkin of doin that night!! I'm sorry, but sometimes I like to work somethin out of it :P I get a drink, the guy gets to dance and grind or whatnot. They're usually a bit liquored up themselves and start gettin on you from the first moment and they came up to me so it's not like I'm some shark. Everybody's happy, everybody wins, haha. It's not like once I get a drink, I jet in the other direction. THAT is totally using. Anyway, I didn't get him to get me a's like he was readin my mind tho, haha.


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