Thursday, April 21, 2005

Somethin interesting happened. After me and L went out, we just rolled by our old grade school cuz we hang and reminisce and have a smoke or whatever there sometimes. So we're chillin in the parkin lot in the front, L's standin around and I'm sittin on one of those concrete stool thingys and this big black SUV comes turnin in. We're like, oh man...either it's gonna be some guys goin, "Hey baby!" or we're gonna have some kind of altercation, haha. Of all the empty parkin lots, they hafta swing into this one. It's just weird cuz it's only us. Needless to say it can't be good :P

I'm just lookin away cuz I don't pay any attention to whoever comes by. I thought maybe they were gonna ask for a cigarette or somethin. Cuz you know they were not intendin on comin there, they probably saw us from the street. Whatever, ignore ignore...continue with your business.

It's some grey-haired older guy and he says out the window, "Can I help you?"

We pause and then L's like, "Excuse me?"

He says somethin like, "I'm on the board and I'm just tellin you that cops come by and check here a lot, etc.."

We're like, oh really? OK...

I guess he was tellin us that we weren't supposed to be there but it's not like we were doin anythin...unless he thought I was smokin up weed or somethin? I dunno the thing about private or public property or whatever and L was surprised about it too, cuz she usually knows these things (with law and politics and all :P) But we're like, whatever, alrighty. We weren't that quick to leave cuz I don't think he really has the power to make us (the school board? Is that even relevant?) but we made like we were about to and he drove off the same way he came. So we're wonderin, WTF? Did he just turn into the street just to come and tell us that and then went on his way? And what're the odds somebody from the school board would be there at that time? And who just comes up to you outta nowhere and asks, "Can I help you?" WHO talks like that? How do you even answer? Just bizarre. Ppl are freaks, haha.


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