Saturday, April 16, 2005

HOLY MOTHER. I cannot believe the past 2 days I've had. Was it 2 days? I don't even know what's goin on. I'm out of it. Why? Cuz I hadn't gotten proper sleep for about 40 HOURS. Yeah. From gettin up at 8 am on Thurs til Fri night. I finally got to sleep in today. OMG I went to bed about midnight and got up around 2ish in the afternoon. Felt good.

So startin from Thurs, I was workin on my essay all day. I was a bit tired from gettin up early so I think the readin plus that caused me to take a nap for an hr or two that day. There, that was all the sleep I had. Then I was able to concentrate again so I was back at it. I was still doin it thru the morning so I didn't go to bed at all. So 8 am comes around on Fri and I hafta drive my brother again. I get home from that, work on the essay some more, go get him at 11:15, drop him at school, and finish up the work. But my printer is busted and I hafta print it out at school. The A drive on the computer I have it saved on doesn't work either so I can't put it on disk and I hafta email it to myself. I get ready to go to school. Yes I hafta bus it just to drop off an assignment and a library book. P calls just as I'm leavin the house. Her morning didn't quite go as she thought with work and she was kinda bored so she wanted to come with me.

I figured I had at least til 4 cuz that's when the film office closes and it was about 1:00 so everythin was straight. We got there around 2:30. I went to the library to print it out (last time I'd ever use a print card!), went to the film building and put my essay in the drop box. It said anythin in there before 4 pm would be time-stamped but I was just kinda concerned they'd fuck it up somehow when I did have it there in time. Oh well, there was no way I could get it outta the box so it was outta my hands. Bitch was done!! That was the last piece of hw I had to ever do. But I was too fucked to be that happy about it :P

I managed to slip in a breakfast of Reese Puffs in the morning but it was 3:00 so we were starving and got some food in the student centre. Then off to go home. Me and Al were gonna go downtown to Muchmusic to see Kelly Clarkson on MOD. L and G wanted to do somethin too but not that. We debated on goin down there but ended up goin to Jack Astor's that night. Good thing we didn't go downtown cuz Kelly didn't end up makin it there. I read that she had a sore throat so she had to cancel all press to save her voice for the concert.

P wanted to hang at my place cuz she said it was too chilly to walk home, the lazyass. So she stuck around and checked her email and stuff while I fell asleep on the couch. I was talkin to Al about what was goin down for that night and we both figured we'd get about 2 hrs sleep before we had to head out (cuz she had worked overnight and just got home that morning). Yeah, not so much. Nobody wanted me to get any sleep! I was like, OMG just let me have somethin. Apparently the 10-15 mins I had passed out on the bus counted as enough. She woke me up when it was about time that G would pick us up by pokin my face and I'm just, err? What time is it? Already? I still can't believe I went out when I was so sleep-deprived. But you know when you're doin things and you just don't notice how tired you are cuz you're so occupied with it, like you get a second wind or somethin so you're OK.

We got to ride in Al's new car :) She still hasn't mastered manual but she's gettin there. She took us around the block a couple times cuz we wanted to see the car and experience the jerky skills, haha. We wanted her to take us all to Jackass but she was like, fuck that, haha. It's a really nice ride...Acura SX somethin or another. It smelled like new car leather and liquor, haha. I dunno.

Jackass was packed so we bounced over to Milestone. Not really a place to get drunk and not as fun as Jackass but we were hungry. We still had to wait about 40 mins anyway cuz we're smart and went at busy dinner time. We were all about to lose it by that point. "I'm gettin so hungered!" Hahaha.

Got home around 11 and wanted to go straight to bed. But I had to take a shower and that woke me up a bit so I read the paper and that made me sleepy again. Passed out at 12 (even back when I had to get up at 7:30 for class I didn't go to bed that early :P).

It hasn't really hit me yet that I'm completely done school. Like done for good. I hafta celebrate it properly...before I start to freak out about what I'm gonna do :P We should be goin out tonight. Drinks, ppl?


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