Sunday, April 10, 2005

My bad, paintballin's next Sun. Good thing cuz I have today to work on my essay now :P That said, best a while, haha.

So we get to Wegz and pretty much everyone is already there. Meen always has a big CLAN of ppl, friends and cousins and siblings and me, L, Al, and G, and her bf The Man, so we had to be in the big-screen area to fit everybody. I haven't seen that girl is so long. It's too bad I didn't get to talk to her more last night cuz a bday party is just too crazy to deal with esp when you're the bday girl/boy.

This bar is sick. It's huge and they've got all these games and TVs and off-track betting. A story on the horse racin later.

We sit down and there's clearly a lot of us and our waitress is pretty busy cuz she just keeps disappearing and everybody was gettin kinda mad about the lack of service. She looked like Robin from GH (Kimberly McCullough or somethin like that). I think I felt bad for her just cuz of that, haha...I'm like, aw it's Robin! I love her! That and she said it was her 1st week or whatever. So it was pretty slow service. We got our drinks eventually...yes, hittin the liquor before I got to eat! Can I think of a better idea? Haha. Everybody's talkin and lookin at what to order and waitin for the girl to come back so we want to go walk around and check out the place. We pass this booth of guys and one of them's like, hey wait...come and cheer my friend on into drinkin this beer. This place doesn't have pitchers, they have these like self-servin taps that look like blenders so they wanted their buddy to chug from the nozzle. We're like OK...Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike! Mike! And he did it but didn't go all the way so we were unimpressed, haha. It turned into chattin for a bit then we went off explorin again.

We came back to the table and ordered our food so then Al wanted to bet on a horse. I went with her and we didn't even make it to there cuz we came across the guys again. They invited us to sit with them and we hung out for a while. I think we were gone like 20 mins, L and G went lookin for us cuz they were like, I thought you were just gonna go make a quick bet, haha.

So the guys were a fun bunch, really chill and funny...couple cuties ;) Let's see if I can remember names...Chase, Mike ("You were yellin my name before!"), Jeff, and John. It was Chase's bday too...except he was a whole 20 yrs old! OMG when they told us how old they were, we were blown away. They were all 20-21 and they did NOT look it. They didn't think we looked as old as we did either so there we have it. Jeff, holy mother, I swear he looks at least 27...fuckin turnin 21! I made him give me his ID. Not only was the picture all scratched out so it was a big white splotch over the entire face, but he had hair in it so with whatever you could make out, it still looked nothing like him. I'm like, that's FAKE, you stole some dude's ID so you can get into bars! Haha. Good times. Chase and Mike were really close to drunk. Jeff and John were the DDs so they were keepin them in check. John was the quiet one but he was so nice :) "Ooh, you're vibrating!" Hahaha. They made us promise we'd play pool with them and bet on some horses. So we went to make bets and since nobody knew anythin about horse racin, they let some guy who worked there take care of it. They let me and Al pick the horse so we went by whichever had a name we liked-- No Free Parking, best one ever...and by random number, #4 JM Terror. Chase was loaded by now and he picked both of us up in each arm into the air and Al shrieked (she's the kind of person who is very sensitive to rib pokes, hahaha). Evvvverybody sittin at the counter watchin the races turned around like we had just interrupted them at the library, hahaha. Our race wasn't goin on yet so we said we'd come back and check on them later.

We left to go eat and me and Al were all in the gamblin mood so we made verbal bets on who was gonna win this Ultimate Fighter thing on the TV. I coulda made some money cuz my guy kicked some butt. Some friend of Meen's brought along her bf who kinda looked like Colin Farrell and they and Reema were laughin at our commentary. "Do you like that, bitch?" "Oooh yeah, you like bein on the like it in the FACE." "How about summa that? Takin ya down!" This was all dirty fightin of course ;)

We took a while eatin and talkin to Meen so we forgot about the boys and the horses so we went back an hr later. They were sittin with some girls who had drawn penises all over Chase in pen, hahaha. We asked if our horse won and it actually did! But Chase is like, I won money but these girls made me bet on another horse for $100 (or whatever he said) so I lost like 200 bucks. We're like, you fools! Don't make bets without us, see what happens! Tsk tsk. They were gonna let us keep the winnings too...we picked a winner and they went and got all greedy.

OK so the funny thing is, at the beginning Chase seemed to be into Al and they were playin around goin off holdin hands and Mike was all lonely so he wanted to hold my hand and they were both makin comments like, hot this and hot that, and Mike even said said he was all into me and shit...but by the end of the night, they switched, haha. It's all retarded drunk college business they way everythin went down and whatever, I I have only this way in tellin what happened, in no particular order:

-the girls went in and out
-Mike had the word PENIS written on his hand
-Chase had pictures of them all over his arms and stomach
-L and G came by so it was a crowded booth
-Chase spilled beer twice
-Jeff went under the table to get to other side...all I saw was a hand comin up underneath and it scared me, haha
-we made plans to go to his cottage in Wasaga if we bring him a 2-4 for his 21st bday on May 24
-all of us questioned Jeff on his affinity for gettin close to guys
-Mike protested he was not
-Al told Jeff that she wanted to see him and Mike kiss
-Jeff tried to do it and Mike screamed, hahaha
-G got scared...and squished
-G wanted to get out of the booth
-Jeff went under the table again to get out to go to the bathroom, I told him there'll be a table leg in the way
-Jeff got stuck ("I can't get past this fuckin pole between my legs!" LOL)
-G didn't want to go under the table and get stuck like Jeff so she walked on top of the table
-Chase said I was a mean girl cuz I was bustin his chops for everythin (tho I said nothing mean to him at all, not seriously anyway :P)
-Chase said I hated him, haha
-Meen came by and met them all
-some girl came and jumped into Mike with her legs around him, haha (apparently they knew eachother)
-we went to play pool
-Al wanted Mike's barbed wire necklace
-we made a bet with girl & boy teams on who wins
-Al gambled for Mike's necklace...I wanted somethin too so I said I'd get his watch :P
-Mike was scared cuz he doesn't have skills so he wouldn't bet them
-Al saw Chase's diamond earring..."That's pretty...can I have it?" LOL
-Chase was drunk as hell yet still sunk more balls than me or Al
-we left at some time or another for some reason
-we finally met the infamous 6 (guy G is kinda dating)
-played foosball
-chilled back at Meen's table, checked out what everyone else was playin
-saw that girl and Mike MACKIN
-went back to pool with the boys
-topic of Mike kissin the girl came up..."Whatever, we fuckin SAW you!" Hahaha. "It meant nothing to me! I swear!"
-Meen and everybody did the cake and group picture one came to get us...fuckers
-whole lotta mackin between me and Chase and ultimately Al and Mike, bahaha (shit, what're the odds his name was Mike...she even said she lose it if she ran into Mike (ex) there :P

K I gotta stop writin like this. That was pretty much how the night went. I made myself sound like a complete skank bag. It was his bday, I was bein nice, haha. Al took pictures of all this, the ass...and video!! What a perv. Anyway, they were gettin to be a bit much so we jetted and hung out with Meen for a while. We said we'd be back, we had to spend some time with the bday girl. Meen and The Man went to bet on horse before callin it a night. We left our jackets over there tho and if we went back, the boys would never let us leave. The Man went to go get them and then they left. We did the goodbye with 6 and we all bounced. Chase has my number. He said he'd call me on Tues (what's with the random day, I dunno).

Just as L was gonna be dropped home, we decided to go for to Timmy's. We were there lookin at the pix on Al and G's cameras when Shane came in :) Weird since I haven't ever seen him at that Timmy's or at least he doesn't usually go to that one...and at like 2:30 am so what're the odds? We talked a bit and Adam was gonna come by but we were leavin. I just caught him in the parkin lot while we were still in our cars so I only got to say hi and bye.

Wow that was super long. It's better if I told it in person. Fish, you missed out. Outta control.


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