Saturday, April 02, 2005

Friggin Shmooze! *Pounds fists on desk* Haha, just kiddin...I'm not that upset. As usual, the plan was to go but we didn't. We were close too. We actually stood waitin in line and it was LONG and we were standin longer than we would've liked so we bounced. Guess we left a bit late for the after work crowd and the lineup got too crazy. At least Al and P would be kinda glad about it cuz they can still go with us for the first time...cuz we have yet to make it there without them.

So the rest of last night included Chapters, Milestone's, and bubble tea. It was kinda weird to be downtown that early in the evening. G couldn't wrap her head around the fact that it wasn't club hrs yet and she was like, that place is DEAD! Maybe cuz they're not open yet, hon. "Ya jackass!" Hahaha. Fun times.

So me and L got on the physical activity kick and went for a hr walk yesterday. I might've driven to her house to stroll around her neighbourhood but still :P She lives far enough! Damn her and her boonie-land house. Anyway, it's a start. You don't even notice it's been a whole hr if you're with someone and you're talkin. We technically went into the scary woods behind the houses and could've stolen the golf cart in the shed at the back but we're past hs, haha. "No snowmobiles on the golf course." Hahaha, wtf?

We were gonna go for a walk today but the weather turned out to be like, fuckin slushy rain. 50 Cent must be lovin Toronto (he's filming a movie).


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