Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Crunk Week has ended. Here goes The Longest Post Ever...

Thurs I had to drive my brother to his lesson and I had to get groceries too. The moms insisted I get some stuff on sale at Sobeys. His lesson was only an hr so I might as well kill that time instead of goin home just to leave again. So I dropped him off and headed off to Sobeys. I had 45 mins before I had to go pick him up again so I'm thinkin this is plenty of time. NO. Fuckin traffic! Slowass drivers, rush hr, stop and go the whole time, almost gettin into an accident by some fool, it all pissed me off to no end. What shoulda been like a 10 min trip took the whole 45 mins. I didn't even get there, by that time I had to turn around and go get my brother. Then I called my mom and asked if she really really wanted me to get the stuff today. Fine. Off on the patience-tryin trek again. Same damn thing. I dunno how it took so long but it did and I was about to lose it. I'm not road rage-y in any way and I consider myself a laid-back person but this trip just tested me. Maybe it was cuz I hadn't eaten since lunch and I was cranky cuz my blood sugar was low :P We finally got there and I'm like, what can I pick up to eat for dinner in the car? And you can bet your ass I'm gonna pick up some goodies for myself while I'm at it.

So this damn errand is done and I get home and I'm all, here's the freakin salad dressing! I was this close to just goin to whatever store and just buyin it there for $6 each since I'm payin for it all on credit anyway! So you can see how my grr mood called for a night out to drink. I still hadn't even eaten dinner or showered and I had to rush cuz the girls were comin to get me soon.

We went to The Brunny (aka Brunswick House, aka Ye Olde Brunswick House, aka really old university hangout/beer house). It was L's idea cuz we've never been so we thought we'd try it out. Interesting night to pick cuz it just so happened to be some U of T frat/sorority fundraiser thing goin on. Somethin about hearts cuz there were a lotta them up all over the place...or for cancer or somethin or another. So there was a cover charge but it was for a good cause so I'm not one to bitch about it. So we still have no idea exactly what that night was for but there was some kinda judging goin on but we didn't stick around long enough. Lots of frat boys and sorority girls. Some guy was askin his friend about it and he was like, I dunno...but it's like a male fashion show! Haha. I tried callin Larry to see if he wanted to meet up since we were downtown and I haven't talked to him for a long time but the call wasn't goin thru. I had gone into the bathroom so I could hear better and there were 2 chicks mackin HARDCORE against the sinks, haha. I'm not a starer so I just walked further down and minded by biz with the phone :P

We bounced from The Brunny after a while and hit The Maddy (aka The Madison, aka The Madison Avenue Pub), which is down the block. G has this certain weird walk she does when it's cold out and she's determined to get inside somewhere. And because we love her, we like to mock her a lot :D This includes L doin an exaggerated imitation of this walk which we've called the Power Walk. Words cannot describe it, it's somethin to be seen. I can say hands down it is one of, if not THE, funniest thing ever. I die laughin every time L does it. Don't get me started on her run, haha. Well, some guy walkin towards us witnessed this and laughed too. Not sure if it was cuz he saw the walk or cuz we were all over the sidewalk laughin.

Inside there's absolutely nowhere to sit so we head out to the patio which is uncovered and it's a bit chilly but they've got heatlamps goin. Some guy stops me as we're walkin past and he's like, hi. We chatted for a quick min about god knows what. I only remember me tellin him that he looks like Casey Affleck, Ben's brother. And I have no idea what he said his name was.

Fri we were to the Bier Markt. There was a band playin all the '70s oldies hits. I actually knew most of the songs, it was alright but if I was into that kinda music, it woulda been bananas. Then whenever the band took a break from their set, they'd play hip hop and Justin Timberlake, all the shit I appreciate...but the grown folks had taken up for the floor. Whaaaaaatev.

We wanted to finally go get some Mama's Pizza but it was closed cuz it was Good Fri. So we went back uptown and ate at The Station. I laughed so much that night. Good times.

Sat I went clubbin with Al, Kim, Cat, and her boy Justin. He's such a good bf! He's like the perfect man...he's not my dream guy but he's the type that'd be normally fantasized about by any other girl. We went to Sugar ($15! WTF, Kimmy!) and he drove, paid for parking, and got us on coat check. He was gonna buy us drinks too but I couldn't do that...I had Al buy me one instead, haha. And Justin's not only good to Cat but he's sweet to us too. You KNOW it's a keeper when your guy is nice and considerate to your friends. He was like, if anybody bothers you, just tap me on the shoulder and I'll come help you!

We got downtown kinda late and I got home around 4. I don't think I've ever felt nastier (cuz I sweated so much :P) It was hot as HELL in there, I'm not kiddin. No windows in the floor area whatsoever. That was pretty gross. We all had to sit out for a while every now and then cuz it was just too much. So I felt like a sexy bitch when I came home. Plus my hair smelled like men's cologne somehow...I guess those guys were dancin closer than I thought, ha. Why do we attract these certain kinda guys, I dunno. Sometimes it's weird, sometimes it's disgusting, but sometimes it's funny and actually pretty fun. The bunch that night wasn't bad. We were sittin out at the side and some dude was beside me and I guess he was there alone but he was pretty into it. Then they started spinnin some sick jams and we were all boppin and funkin and singin and we played along with him. We were pretty much dancin but sittin down :P He was older, like maybe 30s but he was a really nice guy and so funny! And it's just a nice change that a male wants to dance but doesn't wanna touch you like a big perv and just wants in your pants. Kim said you could tell he had an American accent but I didn't hear a damn thing. I think she said he was from Pittsburgh.

So that about covers it all up to today. Yesterday I stayed in cuz I guess the week of fun had to end some time. Good news tho...my film essay originally due this Fri (I'd have less than 4 days to have done it, yeah right) was bumped down 2 weeks! Exxxcellent. Now I have my 2 final essays due around the same time which I think is better for me cuz I'd only hafta go to school once to drop them off (seein that I get the last one done slightly early) and I also get more time to work/start on them :P Booyah.


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