Friday, March 11, 2005

Fuckin Canadian winter! Yup, no Shmooze. It didn't snow a LOT but it's just that there's black ice everywhere (how, I dunno) and the roads are just horrible. I've been hearin wheels spinnin and the 'bang!' of cars hittin eachother outside all night. It's crazy. I could see the insanity out the window, almost literally on my front lawn. A car spun out here, a fender-bender there...I heard/saw about 8 so far. I think it's esp cuz there's the stop signs right in front my house.

But yeah, we were supposed to head out for the bar at 5:30 but that turned into 6 cuz G got out later and then she was stuck in traffic. We were all callin eachother and I was msg'ing Cat and Kim, I pretty much had them about come with us. But we didn't know WHAT time G would get back up here. 7 came around and the Shmooze plans were off but we'd go to dinner or somethin around here. Then G almost had a lil bump into the curb as she was comin to pick me up and that just freaked her out so she didn't wanna drive anywhere anymore that night. I didn't even know where she'd park cuz there were those cars that got into accidents blockin the way. I'm like, calm down...just come in and take a breath. She stayed for a bit and didn't even wanna make the drive from my house to hers. Yeah, she spooks easily :P No one else had a car so dinner was off too.

Man, what happened to tonight?? I was dressed and primped and ready to end up goin nowhere. I talked to L and P and we woulda all looked so good, haha. I've been gettin ready since like 2:30! Cuz they rag me about runnin late all the time and it takes me a while to shower, do my hair, put in my contacts, get dressed, and do my makeup and all today I was rarin to bounce. Foiled! But what're you gonna do, right? At least Al would be less disappointed, haha. Family dinner plans got sprung on her and she was like the most excited out of all of us to go to Shmooze and she was so upset she had to go to the dinner thing instead. I'm like, we might not even end up goin at all. Maybe we'd go Sat? But then Sat doesn't seem the same, plus I haven't been on a Sat so I dunno how good it'd be.

Just madness. Teased...TWICE!


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