Friday, March 18, 2005

The past couple days were about drivin the bro all over the place to all his classes. I also went to dinner with L and G. We had the most hyper waiter, it was hilarious. He came over to our table so many times and every time he spoke, we had no idea what he was sayin cuz he talked too fast :P It was all, "The chocolate cake is like this big *Psh!* *Bam!* somethin somethin somethin somethin. " It was like he was on speed. Ppl that naturally energetic amaze me. He was cute too :) They ordered a neapolitan ice cream lasagna thing for dessert and he came back and said they were out of that ice cream. They were like, what? He's like, I know...I'm tired of them always runnin outta stuff. L asked for a funnel cake instead and she's like, how about a lil extra ice cream for that? He's like, sure! He came back with this big thing with sprinkles and gummy bears, it was awesome. He had put all this stuff on it and called it his special...I'm not sure if he named it after himself cuz I honestly am not sure what he said. He gave us these cute kiddie cups too, haha. Yeah I took mine home.

I was supposed to go out for drinks with Fish and Meen cuz we just haven't seen eachother in a while but they flopped out last min cuz they were tired. And my sister just had Matt over and watched The O.C. for her bday so me and P went out to Q's. It was St. Patty's Day after we rocked the green shirts. Ian and Shane and Al were there. Some old dude in his 30s or whatever was slowly comin onto me. Ew. I knew he was blitzed but he wasn't gross about it or THAT obnoxious so I just played along cuz I dunno, I'm friendly and I don't wanna be a bitch. He was playin with Al at the table next to us so he'd say somethin to me a few times.

2 separate conversations went like this:

"Are you Irish?"
"Am I Irish?"
"Am I Irish??" (Cuz I'm clearly and blatantly not but we both know he's jokin)
He laughs and says, "Cuz you're wearin the green shirt's like the right green a shade above neon."
He was goin on about somethin or another and I'm like, "Wow, had a lil too much to drink huh?
"Stoned, actually."
"Oh nice."

"Are you Scottish?"
"I dunno...I knew you weren't Scottish."
"Why, are you Scottish?"
"Then why did you ask? And how do you know I'm not Scottish then? Cuz you would know one of your own." (That totally didn't make sense but it messed him up real good, haha) And Joe ran outta loonies, outrageous. You still can't get me to drink green beer.


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