Sunday, March 20, 2005

Not a whole lot. Went out on Sat...a haircut that turned into a 3 hr excursion and jettin out the house as soon as I got home and with damp hair ...confusion and phone tag...funny G stories about 6, heeheehee. Today I was all, why does life suck? I don't think I hafta explain the whole why I go to school on Sundays to photocopy readings thing, but I was just tired of bussin it there so I asked G for a ride. Last time she said to call her in case she's bored and she'd gladly take me. I just had to give her gas money. But she came up with the strange idea to buy her that mousse yogurt she loves instead. Yogurt for a ride to school...sounds like a deal to me. Even 5 bucks cash is the same price as takin the bus yet takin the car is so much faster.

The damn readings for this week weren't even there, the mailroom and the reading room were all locked, the set-up of the library listings for them by course director didn't help me in tryin to figure out that it indeed was week 11 and they only had last week's, and so the bottom line is...I don't have the readings. I dunno who had them or is keepin them like a resource-hog but it's all very retarded. Maybe the prof just didn't put them out yet but that doesn't make any sense cuz class is on Tues. And when somebody asked last week if he knew who's turn it was for the questions, he said he honestly didn't know so everybody had to do them. How the hell am I gonna do them?? I'm not goin back tomorrow, esp if they're not gonna be there again. Imagine if I took the bus for NOTHING. Then I rationalized that on the syllabus handout the prof gave out when the semester started, that he has this policy about allowing everyone 3 grace days on assignments if you needed the extra time. I think I just might capitalize on that if I have to. Even tho it's not even my fault. Tho the whole purpose of doin the questions is to show that you did the readings...if I did them after that class was over, days later, is there any point? It's all stress about stupidness...5% of my mark, really. This is what happens when I try to be good :P

So when we were drivin into the lot, there was a person in the parkin booth so that meant you'd hafta pay. I'm like, aw crap...who'd thought there be someone workin late Sun afternoon? They have pay per half hr (which is all I needed really) but $5 flat rate on Sun. Friggin school suckin enough money outta me. But by the time we came back there was nobody so, score! I guess it's free after 4 or somethin. But then I guess that made up for the readings debacle.

I was tapin Alias for G and she wanted to watch it asap so we had to wait til it was done at 5 so we browsed around Shopper's for a bit til it was over, haha. Gas=2 packs of yogurt ;) No reading to do for tonight or Mon!


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