Thursday, March 24, 2005

That's 3 in a row. I really was plannin on stayin in and catchin all my shows last night cuz hey, I have TV to watch on Wednesdays. I'm gettin into my Simple Life Interns when the doorbells rings and I thought it couldn't possibly be for me cuz who swings by at 8:30 on Wed night? Yeah, it was P.

She forgot her keys and her cell at home and there was no one there to let her in so she got a ride from work to my house. Plus she didn't have anythin to eat again and I didn't have much to offer so I took her out.

FIGURES. Every time I intend to stay home and do nothing, someone always calls me out. I was half-expectin it too...but it's not like I could really refuse this time...gotta help out a hungry, locked-out girl :P I had even worked out a bit before she came and I didn't get to take a shower yet. I'm like, I knew it, I knew it! So I got ready and we headed out to BP this time with L. Turned out she needed to get out for a bit too cuz she was steamin from her brother fuckin up their computer the same day she finally got internet hookup that wasn't dial-up, haha.

It was karoake night at BP. That was...horrendous. Whoever was singin actually made us do cringe-faces. We didn't see who it was cuz we weren't in the bar area. We did get to see the 35-40 yr old lady MC'ing the whole thing dance to Gwen Stefani's "What You Waitin For?" That shouldn't be allowed.

After, me and L just went to Timmy's. Saw Tom there. L had Mo things to rant about. But general coffee shop talk goes like this:

"I think that donut's new."
"Yes...judgin by the sign that says NEW."
"Is there stuff inside?"
"Hmm...there's a hole...lick it, haha."
"Can I put my tongue in your hole?" LOL
"Just take a bite."
"No, I'm sick."
"I don't care, just take a bite."
"Fine, I'll take it in the back."
"The way you LIKE it!"

Hahaha...DIRTY. University of Buffalo, here we come!

It had to snow last night. Stupid weather, it was pretty nice in the day and it's the end of March. It snowed enough that I had to keep cleanin it off my car every time we left a place. And I couldn't see fuckin anythin...out my windows, the lane markers. And as I was comin to P's driveway to drop her off (goin like not even 20, I might add), I guess there was black ice or the snow was just slippery cuz I started to slide and I was just like, ohhh fuck. I had to steer like a crazy person, I was this close to hittin the curb bad enough to do somethin to the car. And I really don't need that. I ended up a few houses down. So I'm like, WELL...I think I'm just gonna do a 3 point turn in this driveway here then, haha.

On another random, unimportant tangent...I was tryin to do my readings yesterday and I just got so bored with it really quick that I for some reason started drawin on my arm. I'm all, let's give myself a tattoo. So I used a real ink pen not like a Bic pen and drew a spontaneous version of the one I have on the back of my shoulder. It looks kinda real, haha. P was like, that is BADASS! You're so army today, I love it! Yeah, I went out with this dark blue tribal thing on the inside of my forearm, rockin the black army cap, and the black belt and jacket and she had her X-rated top with her 'tip titties' (her twins that bring in the tips at work), bahaha. I'm gonna stop now.


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