Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I had my official absolutely last university class of my life today. I wasn't really thinkin about'll probably hit me later on when I actually realize that this is the end and I get scared that I hafta face the real world, haha. And of course I was late today...but as it clear by this point, it's not like I care :P We had a guest lecturer and we got out early. Oh and I got those damn questions done and handed in and over with for good. Got my first questions back: B+....first essay: C- haha, which is just fine by me. I just need passes this for this class and a C average overall to graduate, baby. I strive high, dontcha know.

Class ended at 1:30 instead of 2 but I had to hit the library and plow thru books anyway so I got home at 5. I like to minimize my trips to school so I had to get resources for both my final papers. Found pretty much nothing for film and good stuff for my IS. I was gonna go back to the film building to photocopy this week's readings from class that were outside the prof's door cuz I had skimmed them and they seemed relevant to my topic but I naturally didn't do them this week and the course was over so whatever, but his door was open and he was in his office with somebody so there'd be no way I could get them without him seein me take them so I said screw it, haha. He doesn't need to know that I'm more than a slacker than I already am and plus I didn't want him to call me in to discuss my essay depth :P

Then me and P felt like goin out tonight but we couldn't decide what to do so we visited L at work first. Of all the days we drop by, today was some drama. Some tall, potentially scary man was tryin to return a printer but apparently like 1/3 of the ink was used and they weren't gonna refund it without the cost of the ink, cuz he clearly used it. He was arguin with the manager and their voices started to rise. The guy was gettin maaaad. We were just standin around cuz we were waitin for L to not be busy so we could chat and I'm not 1of those ppl who wanna know everythin's that's happenin and stare and listen while it's all goin down so I turned and looked at some DVDs. All of a sudden, there was this LOUD yell like the kind that gets you thinkin that somebody's gonna get hit or killed or somethin. Friggin scared me! I turned around and P told me it was the manager who yelled, haha. I dunno. They were arguin and he just went, "AHHHH!!!" L came over later and said the cops were called. Isn't that messed up, that it gets to the point where you hafta involve the police when you're in a retail place and the whole thing is over a printer? It was kinda tense tho...the guy was not lettin up. And I dunno how long they were fightin for but at some points, he was walkin around and badmouthin the store. We're just like, oh geez, just hope there isn't like, gunplay or some shit like that. L's like, I dunno, man...he left the store and came back, so....haha. The cops really did about a waste of resources. And it's really sad that ppl have come to this, like scared that somebody might hurt you over stuff like that...and that some ppl would actually do it too!

Anyways, L wasn't gettin out til late so we just went to Jack Astor's again but the bartender that made her drink wasn't there tonight. Our waitress said her bf bartends there but we didn't get to find out his name or if that guy was him.

P's my new sugar mama...she buys me drinks and pays for my share of whatever she eats too. I'm a mooch, haha. But I drive her ass anywhere she asks so shut up :)

I'm goin to stop talkin myself right now. Okeydokeys? Night!


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