Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I'm so effin worn out. So after I napped for an hr (not even napped, I just lay in bed with my eyes closed), ate breakfast, went to go pick up my bro again and get him to school, came home and ate lunch, and called L for our walk. Vick's not back at work yet so we called her too but she had to take Rene to school so we had some time to kill before she got back. I went over to L's and we walked and figured we could make it to Vick's house by the time she's home, haha. Actually she beat us there :P That was about 45 mins. She was in the intersection in her car cuz I guess we were takin long so she came to see where we were. She rolled a bit over the line and honked a couple times and L's like, where's that car goin?, relax. I'm like, who're they honkin at? Cuz she was way on the other side the street across us. But it wasn't Vick's car. L's like, that's not Vicky is it? Then she rolls up and is like, need a ride? :P She was drivin her sister's car. Haha, and L was that close to sayin somethin stupid cuz she didn't know it was Vick.

We parked at Vick's house and walked around the hood and talked cuz she had lots of Ecuador stories. That was another hr or so. We even came by some kids' playground that we've never seen before so we thought we'd hang around for a bit. It had the same lil airplane and car that you can sit in and is on a giant spring so you can rock on it things that are in the park near L's house. I have no idea what these would be called but they're obviously for small children and it's just funny tryin to sit in them cuz our asses are just not meant for them. It was kinda a tight fit for me and Vick and L didn't even try, haha. It's like a 6 foot person ridin a Big Wheel with their knees up to their chin.

So they wanted to do somethin after the walk but my cramps were startin to kick in. I should know better after all this time to take my Tylenols with me wherever I go when it's that time. The weather was wack today, it'd be sunny and kinda hot and then suddenly windy and kinda cold. I had a long sleeve T on with a puffy vest over it and I was constantly takin it off and pushin the sleeves up then pullin them down again and zippin up the vest, fuck. So I dunno if I was goin thru crazy girl hormones but by the time we got back to L's house, I was like SWEATING. Anyway, my mom had told me to pick up some milk so I had to go to the supermarket and Vick took her car home again and L went home to change and pick up Vick later and meet up with me. By the time they were on the way, I was done at the store and I was feelin like absolute crap. You know that feelin when you've spent a long time outside and you just want a shower? I just felt icky and I was tired and crampy. I got home and I'm like, I dunno if I'm up for anythin anymore. They insisted and I was like, fine but I'm warning you now that I'm gonna bitch the entire time about the pain and I'll be in general crankiness.

Holy, we went to Harvey's to get somethin to eat (I was fallin asleep in HARVEY'S), to the mall (Vick bought me Clodhoppers and cotton candy from Bulk Barn :D), to the liquor store, to the Oasis gym to check out their rates and the facilities (it's always these hot girls who work at the front desk at gyms, like the club dancer type...even we had a kinda hard time not lookin at this chick's boobs, hahaha), and to 2 Best Buys to find L's damn John Legend CD. I kept wantin to fall asleep in the car. Finally I got home and I just went to pass out on my bed for an hr. That felt so good. Then I got up, ate dinner, and dyed my hair. Now I have about 5 hrs of taped TV shows to watch. What a long day...and I didn't even do anythin really that productive :P Well, physical activity and coloured hair at least!


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