Saturday, April 09, 2005

"You got a 50 dolla bill, getcha hands up! You got a 20 dolla bill, getcha hands up!"
"I have 5 dollars!"

I woke up today feelin so blasted. Good times! Last night was bananas. L was bein a poomps and didn't come with me and G cuz she had work early in the morning so we made it down by ourselves. We left fashionably late but even then by the time we got to Fez, only Kim and her friend (Tara or somethin?) were there. Cat and J were at Croc Rock drinkin since like 6. Then Chief and Audrey and co. came and we chilled out on the patio. Cat knows entirely too many peeps...ppl from hs, ppl from work, ppl from her old job, friends of friends, they alllll came. I don't even know if random groups of ppl they were hangin around were even with the party cuz I only knew about 1/10th or whatever of the crowd. Some guy started dancin right next to us and to G I'm like, is he with us? Cuz we just assumed somebody knew him cuz every person knew Cat or Kim by someone else, but turned out he was some random who wanted to make an ass outta himself and come out dancin by himself and then leave when we turned away, haha.

So Fez is really chill, there's the dance floor that leads right to the patio which faces the street and it's all windows so ppl goin to the clubs can basically see you gettin down in all your glory, and there's a bar downstairs and a lounge and another bar upstairs. Ppl who knew whoever knew Cat took over the corner room upstairs and they were chillin there so we just chucked our jackets on the couch - no coat check ;) I met about 20 ppl with connects with Kim and Cat and I remember only an Andre (from Romania, what a cutie) and a Daryl (some dude who just came up to me and G and chatted about the Jays game on the TV...I called it and said they'd lose with 1 out to go in the 9th, ha). I should honestly just say to ppl I first meet, "Hi, you don't hafta bother tellin me your name cuz I'm just gonna forget it in about 10 mins." :P Well, I was buzzed so it was that too.

Lemme just say, I love drunk ppl. OK specifically my drunk friends cuz it's mad funny when they're wasted cuz they don't get obnoxious or stupid or fall all over the place and spill their drinks on you. They're the best to watch. It was so much fun, you could feel the love :) I finally saw Cat drunk...cuz she can keep up with the boys and I've never seen her get to that point, but when EVERY person is buyin you bday drinks, that'll add up!

Fez gets its dive label with its bathrooms tho. Not only was there water (or whatever!) all over the floor, but everythin was ghetto broke. The stall doors wouldn't close, 1 of the sink taps wouldn't open, you had to struggle for to get some soap out the dispenser, the hand dryer wasn't workin AND the 'automatic' paper towel dispenser wasn't workin.

We were there from like 9 to 2. Kim had to get back to Hamilton cuz she had exams and everybody else started to jet too. Cat and J were all crazy drunk energetic then they fell asleep, haha. Me and G were gonna bounce so we had to wake them up to say bye :P They know how to throw a good jam. On the way out, I was half-dancin as we walked and some homie double-palmed me from behind. Yeah, grabbed my butt with both hands. Not that I minded...I was wearin my good ass-jeans, haha.

Repeat tonight, except it'll be at a monster sports bar-type joint. Holla.

And I just got my tax cheque, woo! Today is a good day.



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