Wednesday, April 13, 2005

And the 1st one's done! One more to go! Agh, this week's gonna be hell with my last essay due in 3 days. I haven't started it, surprise. I need to go to the library tomorrow to get some research done and return these mofo books. Ideally, that'll be my last trip to wait, that'd be Fri when I drop off the essay. Balls. Then THAT should be the last time I'll be there...not countin convocation. Oh god, I don't even wanna think of that.

So hi! I've been up since 8 (with 5 hrs sleep, not traumatic but still not healthy) and after drivin back and forth again this morning, I've literally been at the computer all day and night. I've been drinkin coffee and eatin at all kinds of fucked up times so my stomach's hurtin. But after hrs and hrs of readin and poundin out that damn essay to a nice, fat 17 pages, I'm so done with this. Except that I hafta keep on goin til I'm done my 2nd essay. Blar!

OK I'm an ass and I'm messed up, I don't deny it. Guess what I do the night before I have an essay due that I haven't finished yet? Well I'll tell you...I drive my brother from home to co-op then co-op to school, then (I know I shouldn't spare the time but I figure it'll take an hr max and some fresh air and exercise might be good) me and L plan to go for a walk. But I'm eatin lunch when she calls and I'm on Messenger and P catches me online. She wants to come out for a bit too but she's not ready so me and L go for Quizno's cuz she wants lunch and we'll pick her up later. P calls and says she talked to Vick online and she wants to come too. She's supposed to be back at work but whatever.

We go to the bank to deposit our tax cheques. We pick up P and Vick and go to the park. Too bad the sunshine fooled us again cuz it was pretty chilly. Yeah, no jacket. We see giant fish and a turtle in the pond, make one big trip around the paths. It's cold enough that we don't go for a 2nd round and hit Timmy's. Somebody comes up and slaps my shoulder. It's Clothes, which is weird cuz it's totally not in her area and I was lookin at her when we came in but it didn't occur to me :P She was studyin and was goin over to see Heather. Who cares. I dunno.

Then L wanted to go to the supermarket cuz she wanted fortune cookies for some reason so we went across to the T&T. We go off wandering and we hear P call L to come over. Who's there but He-man from hs, haha! And 2 other dudes that I recognize but don't really remember their names. Holy crap, he was so skinny and baby-faced back then. I guess you could say it's the change from boy to man! I knew the other guys but we were all lookin at He-man cuz we didn't recognize him at ALL. We're like, oh fuck...He-man? OMG! He looks so diff, it's crazy. He always was a nice guy tho...he did my woodwork assignment in shop class for me in grade 8, haha...none of the girls wanted to go near the bandsaw :P So that was just so strange runnin into him there. He said they were gonna have a bbq or whatever but he couldn't find what he needed so L said go to No Frills. I also saw my cousin and my aunt too at the checkout. What was goin on? The girls are like, OK what are we doin now? I have an essay to do and should be goin home now...but it's not like I'm gonna fight them. Vick says she's got her liquor at home. We're goin to her house to drink! But she doesn't have Sprite so we stop by No Frills. There's He-man again, haha. Vick and P went in and me and L stayed in the car so I was chattin with He-man in the parkin lot. I gave him my number so we can go clubbin whenever he goes next.

The girls want to pick up some food...samosas, 4 for $1?? Let's go! Haha. G calls and she's comin over too. We have Bacardi Limon and samosas that are too hot for our own good and chips and Chex Mix thingy stuff (well we totally defeated the point of goin for that walk) and we watch The One with Jet Li. Oh but it's not over. We find this game called Taboo and bust that out. Vick orders pizza. We play for a long time. That game is so much fun...the answers that came outta our mouth were just ridiculous but G took the cake. I dunno why she's allowed to play. The point is to get your team to guess the main word and you give clues but you can't say the 5 other words on there that are like the most obvious ones that'll help. ie PEPPER - black, salt, sneeze, etc. Apparently to G the shorter word for jewellery is accessories. Normal ppl would say jewel. "ACCESSORIES?? WTF Gina!" Hilarious.

And I was lyin on the couch and the fucker comes and puts her butt ON MY FACE. Well she was mostly on my forehead but I was wearin a cap and it mashed down into my eye. I'm like, quit playin, you made my contact move. It was outta place so my right eye was blurry. She's like, oh I saw it fall on the couch. I'm like, no that was a big teardrop, I'm cryin, you jackass. I hold open my eye and I'm like, where is it? Can you see it? She's like, it's folded! I'm like, WHAT? and I blink a lot to unfold it and put it back in place. She's like, I'm so sorry! Yeah thanks for sittin on my EYE and makin my contact FOLD while it's still in there! She didn't hear the end of it that day.

Anyway, I spent all of Mon just kickin it and drinkin...I was out from 2 to 10. What the FUCK is wrong with me? :P I knew I did it to myself with this hw. I'm dumb, what can I say. OK I'm finished, I'm goin to bed...or somethin.


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