Monday, April 18, 2005

My quads are really hurtin right now from paintballing. Sad. Still went for a walk with G, Heather, and L tho! What a trooper eh? :P Then we had samosas and they came over for nachos, haha. We suck.

Damn, I had to clean my room today. I haven't had to tidy up like that in a while. There was just so much shit all over the place, I had to walk around piles of clothes.

P had said she got somethin for me that she saw and thought I'd like. She's still givin me pseudo-bday presents, what a weirdo, I love her. She dropped it off when I was out. It was an Evanescence tshirt! Awww. It's red and it's cute with a bitchin eagle logo thing on it. Nice...and we'll always have memories of the concert :)

I've seen 4 different police situations go down in the past week. 3 arrest-type dealings and 1 was a bad accident. I saw some guy handcuffed and gettin escorted out of Finch station by at least 5 cops. Then the po-po had pulled a car over right in front of my house and I think there were 2 guys in it. One of them had come out and was arguin with the cop and looked prettyyyy close to gettin arrested. The 3rd time, we were about to go downtown on Fri and we saw a buncha guys in cuffs and bein led away, one of them was sittin on the ground with his back against the fence. They were fuckin KIDS. Some of them looked 14. Nice. And comin home on Sat, there was a car wreck in the intersection. It didn't look bloody or anythin but the car was mashed up good. There were at least 3 cop cars, 2 ambulances, and a fire truck. They allll came out. I guess shit starts to happen when the weather starts to get warm or somethin.

You know back when I was talkin about how you just don't know how ppl are connected to eachother? Like you just don't realize the things that go on in strangers' lives cuz you'd never think you'd have a reason to know these things? Still blowin my mind. It's very Joan of Arcadia (the show...if you don't watch it, then you don't really know what I'm talkin about huh). When you find out how you can be connected to someone else, more than you'd ever imagine? Just another reason to be nice to others :P


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