Monday, April 18, 2005

We went paintballing at Sgt. Splatters and it was so much fun. It was a work thing for L and she could bring a guest so I went with and we've never been so Al had scared us with stories of how much it could hurt if you get it, esp on exposed skin. She said to wear your crustiest clothes so I geared up with a long-sleeved turtleneck under a T, shorts under tearaways, Nike gloves, and old kicks. They only give you a mask that protects your face and the sides of your head. You could very well get it in the back of your head or the neck, which is pretty scary and makes no sense if you ask me. What if you got hit in the throat? I'm pretty sure you could die! That'd explain the waivers you hafta sign first.

Me and L got there pretty early so went to get somethin to eat, I met a bunch of her coworkers, then when everybody got there, they started to explain the rules and stuff. All this safety business about the guns and shooting, they're pretty strict which is good so nobody can get hurt...when you're off the playin field anyway :P

There were like 15 yr old kids runnin things there! An older guy did the instructional talk but these 2 kids were bein the refs and explainin the rules during our game. Dunno if they're even allowed to be workin but whatever, sweet job. We were there almost 3 hrs, for a few rounds with a diff game each time. It was a big group so we did teams. The 1st round, my gun wasn't even workin so I pretty much hid like a weenie. I still got hit in foot tho. The rule is you're supposed to be out if a paintball bursts on you or your gun. But it's not like anybody could see the lil spot on my shoe so I just wiped it in the sand :P And then, I dunno how but I got hit in the ass! I was at the back and crouchin behind a shelter with everybody in front of me and somehow a paintball zinged me. I musta turned while I was peepin out the side or somethin. I checked my pants and the paintball didn't break so I was still good. I guess it just grazed me but that was the first time I got hit by one and it shocked me. It didn't really hurt but I definitely felt I got whipped thru my clothing. Good thing I was wearin layers.

The 2nd round was good. I didn't get hit but L got one in the chest, right under her throat, oooh. THAT left a mark. Teaches her to venture out, haha. This coworker friend of hers went all superstar and ran thru right into the other team's territory. It was hilarious. Not sure how he did but I think it was pretty much a kamikaze move, haha. You can't tell if you've hit someone let alone know how hit you, with the low lighting and the million paintballs goin all over the place, plus you can't really see how far they reach.

Oh but the last round, I got it so bad. I may or may not have gotten some ppl but it was the last round so everybody went insane shootin at everyone and everythin. And since it was the last round, anybody who got hit pretty much stayed and kept playin anyway. We were up in the 2nd floor of the building we were 'protecting' and I stupidly just stuck my head out the window to see where ppl I should be shootin were, cuz most of the ppl were out. Just as I was gonna bring my head back in, I got shot in the face! It exploded and I yelled like I really got shot or somethin, haha. Even tho it hit the mask it still hurt, man! The paint splattered thru the breathin holes over the chin area and MY MOUTH WAS OPEN so I ate paint!! Yeah, doesn't taste good...hopefully it's non-toxic. Then came the barrage of paintballs comin thru the windows from who knows where and they were just missin me and splatterin the walls next to my head and behind me and all over my arm. I was like AHHHH!! What IS thisss??? Haha, I don't think I'd be cut out for the military. It was so messy.

We got off the field and L had gotten shot in the boob!! OUCH. That one'll match the other one she got. I didn't even realize that guys can get shot in the crotch, the important areas should be protected! Where's the padding, ppl? I'm just glad I came out with no painful direct hit to any part of my body. I took my mask off and there was pink paint drippin down all over my cheek. And you get so hot and sweaty in there, I just felt nasty. Paint all over my clothes, sandy cruft all over my shoes, and in my shoes, I even had shells in my hair. Good times! We got free pizza too. Well the entire thing was free and I don't even work with them, wicked!

Thank goodness we brought a change of clothes. And then we went to Timmy's after...I think I still had some paint on my face and arm that I didn't get, haha. We definitely hafta go again, it's somethin you gotta try.


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