Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I have a habit of of fallin asleep on the floor after I've been out havin a drink. I should stop doin that. As long as the floor's carpeted, you'd be surprised at how comfortable it can be.

I got carded at Jackass, blar! The waitress musta just started...that's what I'm tellin myself. Turns out she has the same bday as me, but obviously not the same yr :P When she asked for ID, we're like, we're probably older than you! She's like, yeah probably, haha.

I got to ride with Al while she practiced drivin stick. Manual is just too much damn work I tell ya. Why drive a car that requires both hands and both feet if you don't have to? Just start the car and go, man.

The weather tonight was perfect. It's sexy, I love it. Only at night tho...the sun is the enemy, haha.


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