Saturday, April 23, 2005

Ooh it's 7 already. I got up at 3 today :P My sister comes by my room and yells, "Get up, lazyass! You couldn't have partied THAT hard yesterday!" Haha.

I love those chicks, my girls from hs a yr younger than us...Kim and Cat and Audrey and Sheena. They be crazy bitches :) Al flopped out so it was me, G, and P in the other car. Last night was the worst weather for goin out clubbin. And it's the same today, boooo. I didn't think it'd still be rainin by the time we got down there plus I don't have a coat with a hood on it so I just had my spring jacket. You can't really bring an umbrella into a club either. I was wearin a lil tank top and I had to hold my jacket up over my head to keep from gettin wet the entire walk from the parkin garage blocks away to the club. My jacket was SOAKED by the time we got in.

It was crazy meetin up with them with the guestlist lines and the rain and the coat check line and not bein able to hear shit on the phone while inside. I got the 3 of us for $5 on guestlist as we just got in before 11but the coat check girl didn't give me my change back cuz she was frazzled and busy I guess and I was all caught up in movin out of the line cuz P and G went on ahead of me, and tryin to see where the other girls were at that I didn't realize it so I really didn't save much money last night, haha. Dammit that coat check girl!

Anyway, another classic Kim outing...laughs and insanity. It was a circus. I got my pic taken for one of those promoters twice cuz the photographer didn't recognize me from the 1st one I guess :P So one's with P and one's with G got we all got separated and lost at least 3 times during the night.

All the coats are crammed in with eachother so they didn't get to dry at all so we had to leave with cold, wet jackets. It wasn't rainin as much as before and my hair was all messed anyway so I had to wear the damn jacket like that. But I'm gonna be smarter tonight! I hafta find a way to work a hoodie into my outfit somehow, haha. Distrikt or Inside better have fast-movin lines. Rain just sucks.


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