Monday, May 02, 2005

Sat night was BANANAS. Actually Sun morning, cuz we didn't even start drinkin til 1 am. I got pretty much wasted.

It started off innocently enough with the best intentions. There were too many of us so we had to take 2 cars downtown - G, Heather, Clothes, John, and L to navigate the kids in one, and me and Vick in the other. Al flopped out and somethin happened to P. Anyway, we couldn't for the life of us settle on which bar to go to and this retardedness went on for about an hr. We were all callin eachother on the phone and usin MSN cuz my line was always bein used. G or L said they were gonna call Vick to tell her how to get to the place we decided on but they apparently didn't and just jetted. We didn't even know they had left already til Vick came to pick me up and they said they were already on the highway and almost there. Fools. So they had to wait at O'Gradys while we made it down there.

That was an adventure. We all thought Vick knew her way downtown but no, ONLY to school and St. Mike's Hospital and only the ONE route she knows, haha. Not that I'd blame her, drivin downtown is only for the brave. Always clowns who don't know how to drive on the roads. So they're standin outside the bar cuz it was dead and dry in there and they wanted to go somewhere else so we cram them all in our car to take them back to wher they parked. 6 (the guy G's sorta datin) is supposed to be in the area and meetin up with us but he's doin who knows what and we're still waitin for him.

While G's waitin down the street, we go to the Maddy to see if we can get in there. Heather and Clothes are 20 and we vaguely remember the bouncers sayin to ppl that you had to be 21. OK, you're legal at 19 but you still can't get in...IDIOTIC. Maybe it's so they don't get rowdy younger ppl but really, it's a bar. We figured maybe they'd let them in if they were with us and it was a group and it'd be harder to let in some and not all. We tried but it didn't work.

6 finally came and we went off lookin for another bar...James Joyce, Labyrinth...all packed. After hittin 4 places, we were just desperate to find ANY bar that had room for the 8 of us. And proper parkin, geez. "You passed us, I SAW you, turn around, turn AROUND!" LOL

They were about to say fuck it but 6 suggested Raq N' Waq a few blocks over. It was too far to walk and Heather and L were gettin in their testy, impatient ways so 6 offered to pay for both cabs. We got there and got down to do what we came out for - DRINK!

It was a nice place, like a bar/lounge/pool hall with a small dance floor. We finally got places to sit all together...tho it was in the darkest most isolated spot in the place, aka the make-out corner, haha. And the drinkin began.

6 is a regular at this place so he knows ppl and he's friendly with anyone who's there and stuff. The bouncer doesn't ID us cuz we're with him, he's playin pool with some guy and a girl and whatever. Then some latin music comes on and there's 6 salsa dancin with the girl or the girl's friend, I don't remember cuz I wasn't payin all that much attention. But L and G were, haha. They're all like, well that's kinda disrespectful, dancin in front of G like that. I'm more the person who's like, oh they're just dancin, they're not really even touchin...and it's not that big a deal anyway, friends can dance. So we find out later from him that it was his sister. Hahaha, I told them not to jump to conclusions. But I guess it's understandable cuz he didn't introduce her or even say anythin before that, plus she looked younger than us but she was older than him!

Justin came later and joined us. It was late so we were all hungry at this point so we ATE. And we had round after round, gettin in what we could before it was last call :P 6 bought us all Harley Davidson shots. I still dunno what's in that. He also bought the last round. I think this made up more than enough for the slow start we had that night. It was fun. We kept watchin the guys that came outta the bathroom to see about this theory that they always fix their pants or adjust their balls or whatnot comin out (why not while they're still in the bathroom, who knows?). It was about 6 for 10 with 4 in a row so that got us drunkenly roaring.

The kids left cuz Heather had work in the morning. The place was about to close and we're still drinkin away. I couldn't finish my last one that quick and I cannot let liqour go to waste. Vick, the ever prepared one, had an empty water bottle and I poured my drink into it. That's not exactly allowed if a cop catches you on the street with it but's Gatorade ;)

We're all smashed and walkin down the street. 6 is drinkin from my bottle and is like, this is good! That was such a good idea! He's hungry and wants to get some pizza at Pizza Pizza where a buncha goths and punk kids are hangin out. THEY were lookin at US cuz we were kinda loud and laughin a lot :P

We walked some more (I honestly was so out of it, I wasn't even payin attention to where we were goin...I just followed wherever they were goin, haha). 6 stopped by a park we passed to take a piss and we're like, agh urine hands! Hahaha. Went into a Timmy's to get some coffee/tea to warm/sober up. Then he went on and on about how Vick's berry hand sanitizer smelled so good :P 2 guys waitin on the corner for the light as we were about to cross said somethin about gettin wonton soup. I gave them the thumbs up and L's like, how about some caker pie? LOL!!

I really dunno why were walkin so much. Well we tried to hail cabs the whole way but they all had fares already. Or they ignored us :P I guess nobody wants to pick up a crowd of drunks. Not like we didn't try tho. "Wooo! Cabbie! Right here! Right here! Come on! Please! No? Fuck you too!" Hahahaha. One of them stopped and the driver clearly saw a bunch of ppl. Me and Vick get in the back and 6 is about to get in the front. We're like, can you take 5? The cabbie's like, no no...I can't take 5, you're wastin my time. He didn't hafta say it in such a mean tone. L said 6 apparently slammed the door and the cabbie was like, get out! I was wonderin why he was so hostile about it :P But still, so he slammed the reason to lose it. We got out and they got into a shouting match. Typical drunk male mode, 6 got confrontational and all I remember was, "Fuck you, motherfucker!" and such. It was kinda scary in that unpredictable violence way but funny at the same time. Apparently cabbies aren't supposed to take more ppl than than are seatbelts...I think...or somethin like that? Like we don't do that in our own cars anybody would know! Who cares. 6 even said he'd pay him extra for it. Maybe the cabbie had a bad night, whatever. There's others who'd do the one we eventually flagged down :) He was funny, and a pleasant experience, which was a refreshing change.

6 is a pure smoker and he was all out so for some reason he wanted me to buy a cig or 2 off somebody cuz he said they'd more likely give it to a girl :P He gave me a dollar ($1 for 2 cigs? Geez) and I went about lookin for someone who was smokin. I asked some guy and he just gave it to me so I'm like, I'm keepin the dollar for my services, haha.

We chilled outside for a bit before gettin in our cars. I started out not carin one way or another about 6 cuz I had only said met him once before and even then all got to say was hi, nice to meet you, and I ended up talkin and jokin with him and sharin a cig with him. I like him, he's cool...or just fun when he's drunk, which is fine. L went with Vick and me and 6 went in G's car so we could drop him off at his car and we all bounced.

OK so I get home around 4:30. I dropped the CD that G gave me to burn for her cuz I was tryin to unlock the door and I was loaded and whatever, and I cracked the case :P I'm in my room, I'm feelin a bit tired so for some reason I just lie there on my side on the floor with my head on my arm. I wake up at 5 as if it was all a dream but I realized I was on the floor and I'm still in my clothes.

And of course as I'm goin to bed, I think I'm fine. No, I get up later on to throw up. And I continue to do this 7 separate times or so through the morning. I puke, brush my teeth, go back to bed, sleep for 15/20/45 mins/2 hrs, then get up to hafta puke again. It was horrible. That last couple times I had nothing left to throw up but the nauseousness and heaves were still there so I was throwin up bile. Yeah, neon yellow chemicals from my liver! OMG no one needed to hear about that. No sleep, just throwin up periodically throughout the morning and afternoon. I finally stopped and I'm like, that HAD to be the last time. I got up sooooo late. Fuck, I thought I was OK. It was inevitable it was gonna get me tho. I don't have the enzymes! I don't learn! I'm gonna do the expected 'I'm never gonna drink like that again' thing! I can't do it at G's bday this weekend! And I dunno about Kim's party the next weekend!

Needless to say, the hotel party on Sun was out. I spent the whole day tryin to settle my stomach and recover :P And everybody decided to call me, at 11 am, at the same time, repeatedly. I don't know why my friends don't know better than that. And they all wanted to do somethin. Crazies. I think I would've died if we had gone last night. I don't cross the line ALL the time :P


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