Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Felt good not havin to wake up early today. I'm still not ready to party it up but you can't all that much on a Mon so it's cool. Me and L just met up with G at Timmy's and talked about all the shit that happened on Sat. Then we went over to G's and chilled. Justin was over too and I wanted him to take me for a ride in his Fast and Furious car. G wondered if she could piggyback me and wanted me to get on. She's like, yeah I could do it, I'm strong. I said no way cuz we'd both fall over and die. The girl is 5'2 and maybe 100 pounds...don't even try. I'm like, get Heather or Sarah. G tells Sarah to get on and I knew this wouldn't go well cuz she's a lot taller than G is, haha. Plus G is a weak sack of crap so I dunno what she's talkin about. Sure enough, they tip over forwards and almost collapse and Sarah gets poked by somethin hard and sharp in her diaphram LOL She's on the floor, cluthin her midsection. I told them it could only end badly, hahaha. She's like, "What're you, wearin a BELT??" G's like, I'll have you know that was my bone, thank you LOL Her friggin bony ass. Or some freakish porno-long penis that stabbed her from the front :P Good times.


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