Wednesday, May 04, 2005

It's my brother's bday today and I had to wake him up today so he was late in the morning. I just had a feeling too, to set my alarm. I was thinkin, would I have to? Cuz he usually comes in my room and wakes me up to take him and I just go. Weird :P

Me and L went shoppin again. Today it was Fairview and Markville again, and met up with Al after work. I dunno why we bother goin to other malls cuz we always come back to Markville and find what we were lookin for anyway. We've finally got all of G's presents. I also got a Triple 5 Soul top for myself :) Finally.

So tired today. I guess I was also a bit cranky cuz I didn't have calories in me so I had a Beef & Potato Burrito. I love Taco Bell. I don't care what stories I hear about their food or how it's made!

I got my questions done. My prof emailed back sayin they were good so everythin's OK. Damn right.

Friggin Bush! If I needed another reason to add on top of all the other ones to hate him about, it's cuz he pre-empted my OC on Thurs night. Grr. Of course I had my VCR set to Fox and not CTV, the Canadian channel, so I got the presidential press conference. L told me it was a REALLY good eppy too. Thaaaat sucks.

I wanna go out to celebrate G's day tomorrow...without her, haha. She'll be workin and will be tired etc etc and we're goin out on Sat anyway so. Oh and it's Shaun's bday too. Gotta send somethin.


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