Friday, May 13, 2005

This single mom/workin 2 jobs thing is takin its toll, haha...except I'm not a single mom and I don't have 2 jobs, tho it feels like it! :P I just like to say that cuz it's how I explain havin to nap at random hrs in the middle of the day or evening cuz I'm tryin to catch up on sleep.

I had many laughs today. Mostly cuz there is somethin seriously wrong with G. Like, mentally. Or she's a crackhead. Everybody was on drugs today! Honestly, the things she says and thinks ASTOUND me. Sometimes we just don't know how she functions normally. Coke whore.

We stopped by the LCBO to pick up goods for Kim's party cuz all she's gonna have is Malibu and beer...ugh. I got carded. I will forever look like I'm in hs.

Me and L had another interesting discussion about the mens at Timmy's. We made a pro and con list on the back of an old receipt, haha. I just wanted the madness to end. I am The Fixer :P

"Why don't you go back to your home on WHORE ISLAND!" Hahahaha...I'll end with that.


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