Friday, May 06, 2005

Shmooze tonight! Will we actually make it, who knows! Well damn, I thought I'd have more time to sit on this no drinkin thing of mine. But I've told everybody to tell me to watch my intake and to cut me off and slap me when I'm goin too far :P I just hafta space out my drinks over the night and have water too. And to eat somethin. And stop early. Do you know how hard this will be at a bar where all the drinks are less than $2???

Oh well, I guess this whole fraudulent thing would've ended on Sat at least...cuz it's G's bday jam and no drinkin just ain't happenin.

I was just thinkin about somethin. You know when at times you just don't see that line between friend and 'more'? Like it's somethin that you can't label or define down to so many words, it's just a unique relationship. Sometimes you'd like it to be more, you wonder what it'd be like to be more...but for the most part, you'd like to stay friends and not go near that area that makes it hard/almost impossible to go back, cuz you like where you are and there's no reason to ruin that. But then you start to see lil flashes of how it could be if you were past that, that there's another level that can be twice as good. Then again the messed up thing is that I don't want to move above that. I'm perfectly fine where things are now and I prefer it that way. I guess it's the whole wanting to risk it for the experience thing. Eesh. I'll do what I do best and sit on it and not think about it and wherever things'll go, that's where they're gonna go! Haha.


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