Saturday, May 14, 2005

I drank, I smoked, I toked, I danced, I laughed, I had a sick time.

Nothing too brutal but then again I was drunk and high enough that I didn't remember ALL of it :P It was me, L, Kim, Cat, G, 6, Al, Fish, P, Audrey, Sheena, Patty, Jason, Kim's other friends Amy, Razor, Peter, Angela and her friends, Kim's brother Jason and his friends, and some other ppl whose names I don't know.

The events can be summed up as:

-me gettin dinged in the tooth by a Skittle that G threw at my mouth
-almost everybody smokin cigs or Colts in the kitchen
-L talkin about 6 in the kitchen when she thought he wasn't there til he came in the room and we all stopped and gave L a look cuz he was right behind her...I ran out of the room laughin so hard
-Peter gettin so drunk that he passed out standin up and leanin his head against the kitchen cabinets with a beer still in his hand, then moved onto the doorway...everybody kept catchin him do this thru the night and when someone saw him, he'd be slowly slidin down, about to fall damn funny, I remember I kept sayin "That is fuckin amazing!" over and over
-fun and perversion with a bow and foam arrow
-poker with the boys and Al...she cleaned up one game, told me to buy myself somethin pretty, haha...then I told her that we'd buy a house next game...too bad they were doin small time and she ended up with a total of $6
-Jason's friend had the softest hair I've ever felt on a guy and we all kept runnin our hands thru it, haha...violently sometimes
-some of us went upstairs and the other guys came up later and Peter followed...they all crowded the bedroom doorway but I saw Peter get up to the top step and then pass out, fallin forward onto the second floor...that was hilarious but dangerous too...I was like, "Why did you guys let him come up here? He can't do stairs!"...he got up smilin
-the boys were messin around on Jason's computer and Googled images of genital warts to put as his wallpaper...disgusting
-a bunch of us went outside to blaze it up a few times but it was rainin so we opened up the garage door so we could stand inside...."I'm cold and alone and scared and hungry and lost!" "Do you know how to smoke??" "Stupid L...fuckin Audrey!" "What's your problem, Gina! WTF!" LOL
-the first time anyone went out, I think it was just Kim and somebody, and she comes sauntering back in and we all look at her and are like, what happened to you?? Cuz her hair's drippin and her shirt's all wet around the chest, hahaha...she didn't even notice the rain, most likely cuz she was wasted
-and a really weird thing, I found out that Amy knows my dad cuz she used to work at the same place last summer or somethin and she just added 2 and 2 when she heard my name
-6 passed out on the couch and we had to leave him there to sober up so he could drive home, haha
-Sheena bein so blasted she had trouble eatin chips, she either missed her mouth or dropped salsa on herself or L's pants "You're lickin it up!!" Hahaha

I love Kim's parties. And I only threw up a little bit once in the morning. Not bad in comparison.

And of course the day after I party, there was someone over to clean out the air ducts with the loudest piece of machinery on earth. I feel blasted but I can still be up for doin things if prodded to. So now I hafta go get myself ready to presentable enough to leave the house.


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