Saturday, May 21, 2005

Welcome to the May 24 weekend :) Just got home from L's.

Figures that this yr the weather was nice instead of when we went to Wasaga and it was 'Wetsaga'. Ah well. Yesterday was the jump-off and it started with me checkin my final marks. I was nervous, I didn't want to see them in case they'd ruin my mood for the weekend, haha. Didn't matter tho cuz I ended up with 2 A's and a B!! Bladow!! Surprising...this was my best semester yet. So not only am I clear to graduate, I've got a cumulative GPA of about a B.

Then off to the liquor store! Haha. We swung by Pris' to pick up some movies before she left for Montreal the next day. Everybody's goin to Montreal this weekend...Pris, my cousin, L's brother, the guy I met at Inside who's on my MSN. L ended up buyin a couple DVDs from Rogers too. Al stopped by, left to meet up with other friends, then came back in the middle of the night, then left again later. G came after too but she slept over. We drank, ate, watched ALL the movies - Dodgeball, Walking Tall, Garden State, and The Bourne Identity. I'd already seen the last two but they're good enough to watch again. Somethin never to be repeated? Straight vodka shots :P

Angie called from Japan! It was like noon where she was and we just so happened to be all together when she rang up G's cell. I miss her...Angie berry!

Me and L crashed out on the couches and G was on the floor. It's OK, she likes it there. The couch I was on was a loveseat and too short for my 5'4 body so my legs were hangin over the side :P That was an interesting sleep. The hrs from about 2-11 this morning were jokes. We ate breakfast and headed out wearin our PJs, haha. That's hot.

I'll probably take a nap sometime later cuz I never get enough sleep whenever I'm away and not in my own bed. We should be goin out clubbin tonight with Kim and the crew. Look out.

I just realized I haven't eaten lunch yet. Time for foooood.


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