Thursday, June 09, 2005

Well it was fun wakin up for no reason. I didn't even hafta drive this morning cuz my brother got up late (and I don't get up til he wakes me up) so by the time we were about to leave the house, Matt had already parked his/my sister's car in the driveway, blockin the car. Matt was already on the bus on the way to school, my sister was at work downtown and there was no extra keys. Fantastic. There's the car I drive in the one garage, the other car that nobody drives yet we still have for some reason on the other side of the garage, my aunt's car on the other side of the driveway, and my cousin's car T-boning the end of the driveway with just enough space where I'd come out in the morning. It's so ridiculous!! So I was figurin maybe I could maneuver around the cars like a maze from hell but there was no way I could make it without hittin their car 2 seconds out. So I said, whatever...guess you're not goin in to co-op today unless you take the bus! But he had to go and bussin it would take a while and make him so much more later that there wouldn't be a point in goin. And of course, he's never taken the bus on that route. But my cousin was at home still and about to head out so she'll drive him to and from. Which is good for me cuz that means I'm not goin anywhere except back to bed and sleepin in, yeah!

I was out late last night, couldn't be helped :P Al called me up to go to Marche and I didn't know Darien was comin too but there he was. He takes every opportunity to leave the house, haha. Poor lil prisoner. Turns out it wasn't Marche but it was the same thing, they just changed the name. Too bad they were closin 10 mins after we got there, but we just sat out on the patio like an hr after that :P

So apparently these two have all these plans for the summer...including white water rafting, big bday parties, a Hawaiin themed party at the condo, goin out clubbin when Darien's sister comes over. There's so many things we hafta get Darien to experience downtown! He'll just send out the Bat Signal when he needs us, haha.


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