Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I think it of as a great accomplishment when I actually get to work out...cuz I'm that lazy :P Plus there's no way in hell I'd do anythin outside in the heat and blazing sunshine if I can help it. We went to Timmy's, went for a walk around L's hood, then I did my usual dance/weights/crunches drill. Good thing I had to wash my hair tonight. Have I mentioned how I hate to sweat? I'd honestly take bein overheated over havin my body produce the sweat to cool itself down. I really don't like the wet and sticky factor.

OMG can I talk about how I got butt-flashed by a 13 yr old girl today?? When we were at Timmy's, I was sittin facin the window to the parkin lot. Some boy that was inside earlier was out there with his buddy and they were holdin cigarette packs. That kid was like 10!! I'm doin the whole, holy crap, kids these days thing...which pretty much ages me but seriously, I've done shit and I'm not surprised at what the youngins are doin now and at how old they're doin it but I dunno, at least wait til you've hit adolescence! Then some girl who hardly looked like she was even in hs comes walkin by with her friend and joins them. She was wearin a skirt that no 13 yr old (or however old she was) had any business wearin. That didn't surprise me...if your mama let you out the house with that, whatever. Didn't bother me so much. They disappear into the corner and I can't see them anymore from where I'm sittin. We're talkin and they're walkin out to the parkin lot again and I just so happened to glance out the window. It also just so happened to be kinda windy today and sure enough, a gust blew up that girl's skirt and I saw BARE ASS. I saw naked pubescent girl ass!! How many things are wrong with this??? Good lord. I really hope she knows that she probably gave others a similar free show today. Actually, I hope she didn't cuz if she went around knowin that she would flash a lot of ppl, then that is very very scary.


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