Sunday, June 05, 2005

I'm such an IDIOT. After goin on and on about gettin Coldplay tickets on Sat morning (so help me, I even wrote myself on a note on my desk and had it on my calendar on my cell phone), I FORGOT. We went to the Maddy on Sat night and the Madballs room has a guy on acoustic guitar doin covers and was takin requests. L shouted for him to do some Coldplay. Only when he was finished playin "Yellow" did I perk up my head in realization and asked, "What day is it today? Is it the 4th? Is today the 4th??? Fuck me!" I cannot believe I completely spaced on gettin tickets. I was supposed to have been up at 10am to get them online and I let the whole day go by before even thinkin about it. Wow. I got on the computer once I got home and just as I expected, I got nuthin. But ever the optimist, I'm hopin more will open up when the date of the show comes around. I still can't believe it, where was my mind? But L and G are also to blame cuz it didn't occur to them either and failed to remind me :P

Aaaaaaaaaanyways...yeah. So Fri we hit up what used to be the Fox & Fiddle on Main St now called Uptown. We met this funny woman upstairs who's sister worked there. There was a point where we were all chattin with our waitress out on the patio and the woman and her sister were leavin and joined the conversation. The woman was standin behind L and was jokin around and tellin us how there was another pub down the street and she was petting L's hair, the way I do to ppl sometimes, haha. It was just random and hilarious at the same time. L's just like, why is this woman touchin my hair?

I think I might've had the most toxic Tom Collins so far cuz I threw up that night. At least it was just once. I also slashed myself on the outside of my wrist somehow, takin skin off. That's pretty. "Let's go, party girl." LOL And onto another bar the night after!

We met up with Chris, Pris, and Darien at the Maddy and had some good times. Darien doesn't get to go out much, let alone go downtown, cuz Pris isn't the bar/club/anythin outside home type really and he can't exactly go around the city by himself. So he enjoyed it, esp bein British and finally experiencin a pub in Toronto. You know how they like their beer. We talked a lot and got to know him better and I think he was in such withdrawal from nightlife that he stayed with us after Pris and Chris left. We bounced later on and walked down Bloor St. Nothing like takin a stroll comin out of a bar...but this time, we weren't usin our outside voices X10 and tryin to flag down unavailable taxis and laughin at EVERY SINGLE THING we came across :P

We headed back uptown and went to The Station to get somethin to eat. We chatted more...Darien tried to teach us about British money denominations like quid, pence, and pounds (confusing!), we tried to get him to Americanize how he talked, etc. We decided that he would call us whenever he wanted to go out and not his own cousin, haha. So we're goin clubbin with him on the weekend.

The Coldplay Live special of them at their Kool Haus gig was on Much today so it made the whole ticket situation worse. It hurts. It hurts oh so bad.


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