Thursday, June 23, 2005

I didn't realize just HOW long that last post was. Damn. Well that's 3 days of not-so-typical events of my life.

I think what should be the impact of graduation hasn't hit me. It hadn't hit me when it was goin on...esp since I could hear any moving and inspirational comments made that day :P I just thought it was strange that they had grad caps that yr. G said they didn't when she had her convocation and caps aren't normally used in university, I don't think. Just the robes and the hoods. We had all 3. I had some fierce hat hair after that, lemme tell ya. Dammit, why you always gotta be different!

I just watched parts of the ceremony online cuz they have archived webcasts and I just wanted to watch myself bein announced and goin to shake the Chancellor's hand, haha. You know, esp since I DON'T HAVE PICTURES. The whole convocation seemed a bit surreal anyway so I dunno if I could call it memorable.

But now the scary part comes cuz I officially have nothing else comin up. It's all done. I honestly have no idea what I'm gonna do now besides 'lookin for a job'...and that's as vague as it gets cuz I dunno what I wanna do. I guess the main thing is just to to make some money for now and not be lookin for what's gonna be my career. Might I also add that I've got one of those degrees that you can't really do much with :P It's all fun times. Whatever, denial. I'm not in a hurry to do anythin at all so there it is.

Tho havin money would be really nice right now, haha. I suck. There's plans to go paintballin on Sun, the annual Canada Day bbq on Fri, camping sometime the week after that, a bunch concerts in July and Aug (Avril, Coldplay, and the Ecko 'Getting Up' Festival which is a big 2-day hip hop jam). Where do I have the funds for all this? Couldn't tell ya. Oh I! July is also tax cheque month, oh baby yes!

I still manage to have my fun for free. Like yesterday when L and G came by my house just to drop off my pictures that I got Heather to do for me at a discount (hee!). We talked about the plans for camping ("Who's gonna steal your car camping??? THE BEAR?!?" LOL) and for the bbq so we called evvverybody. Then we all suddenly had a craving for ice cream and L remembered Haagen Daaz was still on sale at Shopper's so off we went. Then we headed to G's house to chill. Sarah was studyin so we helped/disrupted her. We looked at gettin Live8 tickets, talked to Darien online, and whatnot. I guess me and L decided to be evil and immature cuz we hit on the whole 'horse luvah' thing with G again.

OK here's the background. When we were all at Q's last week, somehow we had made some random connection between G and horses. Then someone made some comment and I remember Darien said, "Lovingly, caressingly," hahaha...and then I said, "So you love the horses like that huh, G? You're a horse LUVAH?" And then L went on to paint a messed up mental picture of G with a horse (don't ask!). I think we called G a horse luvah about 30 times that night, no exaggerating. So obviously it got annoying to her really fast, which perpetuated it even more, haha. But she was hammered anyway so all she did was sit there drunkenly and quietly tellin us to fuck off :P Soooo...anytime we just say the words horse luvah, it's like a weapon, haha.

So since me and L were at the computer and G was downstairs doin whatever she was doin, we had the brilliant idea to find a picture to plaster over the screen as a wallpaper. Oh yes, we Googled images of 'horse love' and such and you can imagine how we were a bit scared of what we would find (ie. bestiality and horse porn). But thankfully we didn't stumble across any of that stuff but rather a perfect hand drawing that someone did of a naked girl on an overturned horse, hahaha. It was simple and cartoon-y so it wasn't graphic or all that sexual. So we put it in Paint and put the words "Gina is a horse luvah!!!!" at the top and set it as her background. L left a couple browser pages up so G wouldn't see it. This was all when it was about time to go home and L's like, "G, I dunno how to close the computer" and gets out of the chair to let her do it. We're already roaring with silent laughter cuz we're 9 yrs old. I don't know how to describe how hilarious it was when G saw it. We're awesome, haha. Well, that was my lil story for today. Peace!


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