Saturday, June 11, 2005

We hung out at G's tonight, lookin at camp sites and whatnot. She had parked her car out in her driveway so when she was about to take us home, she tells us to run outside cuz there'd be mosquitoes out there. I'm like, there's no mosquitoes out already, come on. She's like, no there are. Me and L go outside and we're like, where's the car? Then we look around her dad's truck cuz it's big and maybe she parked it behind there and we couldn't see it. Not there either. We're like, well what the hell.

G comes dashin outside, all ready to go go go but she stops in her tracks and is like, what? Where's the car! We had just been standin there til she came out so we're like, that's what we said! So G concluded that Heather had stolen it when she came home instead of just movin it from the driveway which is what they were arguin about before. G ran back inside to get the other car.

On the ride home, we had just dropped off L and I was touchin my neck and I noticed a bump.

"Aw fuck! I got a mosquito bite!"
"See! And you were mockin me before."
"Well you said to run outside!"
"I didn't know my sister took the car!"
"Yeah, run to where, Gina??"
"Just run! Just keep on runnin! I woulda caught up to you by the time I got in the car!"

LOL Ridiculous.


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