Thursday, June 16, 2005

Well it's been slightly chaotic with the events of Mon. Then again, when is it ever calm and peaceful around here? :P

I didn't end up goin to the mall that day cuz I had to go downtown to pick up my mom. OK here's where I get into that anxiety part...fuckin stop and go traffic on the highway for pretty much 2 HRS for the trip there and back, anxiety cuz we can't find my mom and it's hittin me about how not OK she could've been, it's rainy but it's still humid so I'm know how it's amazing that driver instructors don't freak out when they take out erratic and inexperienced teenagers in their cars like in the movies? Except it was my dad drivin and I was the instructor but I was freakin out alright! But in the silent, keep-it-to-myself way. Don't make me get into the whole story. So on top of all that, we got lost too. How we ended up at the freakin CNE, I dunno! Which doesn't make sense really, cuz we used to live downtown...guess it's been a while since my dad drove around there.

Anyway, after the whole experience was over I felt like I needed a good, stiff drink to ease the nerves. And geez, did I mention how hot I was? So the evening calmed down and me, G, and L went to BP.

Tues I did jack cuz I just needed a do-nothing day I guess. Plus it was the day of the crazy rain and some areas had tornado warnings? I was cranky from lack of sleep and the usual monthly pains. I even saw Angie online but I didn't even feel like talkin so I went back to bed.

I re-read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last week, haha. Yes it's a children's novel but it didn't take me that much longer than the commercials during GH :P I had seen the trailer for the new movie and I remembered I loved the book but not everythin that happened in it so I decided to find it and read it again. Then me and L got talkin and somehow got on the topic of Roald Dahl books and how much we LOVED them when we were younger. We actually went online and searched for titles and even wanted to hit the library to read those too. I had completely forgot about them. It's so trippy reminiscing about old childhood books. It's like, you have no recollection whatsoever til you see an image or someone mentions the title and it suddenly brings back all these memories that were there in the back of your mind like a vault, like you never knew you had them til hypnotism brought them back or somethin. I was all, OMG this book! OMG that book!
Funny how into books I was back then compared to now :P

Yesterday me, L, and G met up with Darien and Al to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Good god, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are two DAMN HOT ppl.

Al jetted and since I didn't get to buy stuff the other day and G needed to get a Father's Day present, we hit the mall. Darien's gonna let me dye his hair some ridiculous colour, haha. But it can't be red this time cuz I'm about to do mine and then we'd match.

We ate at ESM and Darien paid for ALL of it! 4 dinners, beer, and dessert ("Should I bring you 2 forks for that? 4 forks." Hahaha. Our waitress was a funny chick, you had to be there). That crazy guy...that rich, crazy guy, haha. He's my new best friend. Honestly, he kinda is, haha...cuz he comes out with me almost all the time now. I'm bored, he's bored, I have the time, he's not from here--it makes for a good combo. And I finally have a new pool buddy!

Which of course means we went to Q's. They did have renovations and it looks a lot better. But I heard ppl don't go there as much anymore...I think they liked it dim and dingy, haha. I hadn't been there in a while but at least Joe still recognized me. I played Darien and and beat his cocky ass 3 in a row :) And he's British! I know I'm generalizing about British ppl and pool but I just like to emphasize my winning, haha.

I think I'll stay in tonight and dye my hair. I wanted to do somethin cuz it's Thurs and to start the graduation celebratin early esp since I won't be goin on Fri night with the 7 am wake-up on Sat and all. We'll see.

Sharkychick out.


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