Tuesday, June 21, 2005

If I was talkin chaotic before (no, not the Britney and Kevin show...tho it was gettin REALLY stupid and annoying towards the end, I was kinda bummed I missed the finale), then this weekend was the craziest one ever.

OK let's see if I can pound this all out cuz I can tell you now this post will be a book.

I did end up goin out Thurs night and so the hair went un-dyed. Figured I had all of Fri to do it since I wasn't plannin to go out cuz of my early wake-up time for Convocation the next morning. I had just gotten up when Chris called.

"Are you doin anythin today?"
"Not really, what's up?"
"Do you wanna go to Buffalo with me?"
"Is it OK if I come over? I'm at Jason's right now, I'll tell you all about it when I'm there."

Jason was supposed to have been back home in Toronto to make it for Chris' convocation, cuz he has a few days off before they go back to Texas together for a while. Jason had lost his passport (or he just can't find it anywhere in his apt in Austin or someone had taken it, no one really knows) and he couldn't come back into Canada without it. But genuinely smart guy that he is, he figured he could do it by flyin from Austin to Cleveland to Buffalo, NY and all he'd need to cross the border was his ID and birth certificate. Chris was gonna drive down to Buffalo to give him his stuff and pick him up from the airport. Her family wanted someone to go with her cuz she's never driven to Buffalo by herself. She was capable of doin it alone but just in case. So she's like, fine I'll bring somebody. That's where I came in. She couldn't really call anyone else cuz they had work or whatever but she was reluctant to ask me.

"I'll call Jay first to see what he's doin today so you won't hafta go cuz I know you have convocation in the morning."
"So do you!"
"But he's my fiance! I have to!" Haha.

I knew I should've dyed my hair on Thurs. I'm like, OK I guess I'll go do it now! But washin out that red over and over took long and Chris came early so I had to head out with my hair up, drippin wet. And I forgot I had to have my birth certificate to cross too so I had to go find it cuz my dad insists on keepin it for some reason and he wasn't home.

Jason's plane got in at 8 and we'd get home about 11 pm so it was cuttin it close to my bedtime. But that plan, with all its good intentions, went to shit cuz I never did get those 8 hrs of sleep for Sat morning, haha. Anyways, I said I'd go with her cuz I didn't want her to go by herself. She tried to be a tough chick, sayin she's a big girl and she had all the directions and a map printed out, but I said even big girls can get in trouble :P So she's like, thanks sooooo much! It's like the least I can do since I have JACK to give them for a engagement/goin away present money-wise, haha.

Off on our lil road trip we went at 4:45. It was kinda fun actually, even tho it took over 3 hrs in the car. We talked life and lack of radio stations and the reasons why I don't drive on highways, haha. She's so cute...she's like, I've got water and ice tea and snacks and I brought you a sandwich! Haha.

It was around rush hr and it was stop and go traffic almost the whole way. Chris was losin it...she has inner road rage. Which is funny cuz she's small and fragile, haha. We passed Hamilton and Niagara and such, and we didn't have time to shop in Buffalo or anythin cuz we had to meet Jason.

When we came up to the border goin into the States, the officer didn't say anythin for a second so Chris was like, um...do you wanna see our ID? He's like, sure. Haha, I'm not sure if he was sayin it like, OK why not? or if he was sayin it like, obviously you jackass, this is the border. But they sure do their jobs of intimidating the skittish and guilty with their questions..."Where are you goin? WHY? For how long? Where are you from?" I dunno what was up with Chris cuz she's a smart, articulate, good girl with a cool head and she was kinda hesitating with the answers and she looked at me when he asked where Jason was flyin in from and she's like, where was it? Cleveland right? Cleveland." Suspicious much?

We got to the airport gate right at 8 and J came in just a couple mins later. Awwww, reunion. He said he was probably less tired than we were so he drove the way home. We got to the border to get back into Canada and we didn't even need to worry about J gettin thru cuz we weren't even asked for ID! The woman was nice enough in that potentially threatening way but I'd like to think we didn't look like an illegal/terrorist bunch...plus we had Ontario plates so yeah.

We got back into town before 11 cuz the traffic was so much better at night. But none of us had eaten so we went for dinner. We met up with Jen (J's sister who was like one of my best friends when we were like 9 and 10) and her bf Chris, who I also knew from way back when before I switched grade schools. Oh I guess I should clarify that Chris, the girl, is Christine and Jay is our other friend Jay, not her fiance Jason :P So dinner went on til about midnight and thus, I knew goin to bed early wasn't even an option anymore. And I was gonna be so good about it! I was all, I HAVE to be asleep at 11...I have graduation that day, this is THE day that I hafta get up on time and be rested and not look like crap! No foolin around, this is important! Haha. Not so much huh?

I went to bed around 2. I really should've planned out what I was wearin and to shine my shoes and remember where the thing was actually takin place and all that good stuff way in advance :P Nonetheless, I did get up at 7 and got ready in time! Too bad it was driveway drama AGAIN that had us runnin late. My dad insisted on takin the car that was bein blocked and my mom was all about the time. My dad's like, it can be done, I can get the car out. He did but it took like 10 tries, and me and my mom and my brother lookin out in all directions to make sure he didn't hit the other car, the wall, or the other crap in the garage. My dad is stubborn and my mom is a nag-screamer and they were bothin freakin on eachother. OMG you'd think they were divorced and fightin over custody of me and couldn't even get along on my graduation or somethin. I'm like, geeeeez, I don't need this, can we just get there?

The school says to be there 2 hrs before the start time of 10:30 for marshalling and shit like that but as I found out, you don't technically have to. We saw ppl runnin in like minutes before the ceremony, gettin their robes and findin their place, haha. So we were late for 8:30 but we still had almost 2 hrs so it was all good. I still had to rent my robe and line up and then go find my dad waitin in the car from the building where I was and direct my parents where to go (friggin big ass campus!).

So the ceremony...kind of a blur. It was in one of those big tent structures outside. Thank god it wasn't hot that day or I would've died. But we sat on bleachers for 2 hrs. My ass was killin. I'm graduatin and I get a metal bench to sit on, nice. I couldn't hear a thing the Chancellor or the guest speaker/honouree graduate guy were sayin so I basically tuned out...cuz they were speakin for a LONG time. And you had to stay for every single grad from every program to be done. It was just one faculty but there were hundreds of graduates for this one alone. At least I stayed awake :P

So the ceremony's over and I'm not goin to the reception but we stay to take pictures. My dad has his trusty old school SLR camera and my brother had the digital. NEITHER worked. Somethin jammed my dad's and the batteries shitted out in the digital so I think there's like one picture of me on my graduation! WHAT A MORNING. And I actually wanted to take some cuz we all looked good dressed up, argh.

We got lunch and I had to get home cuz me and Al were goin to the Jays game at 5. I thought I could at least nap but I had to shower and get goin. The phrase of the day was "luxury suite" :D Al works for Rogers, who owns the former Skydome (now the Rogers Centre, so....obviously) and she won these tickets from a raffle that she didn't know she took part in. Lemme tell ya, it was fuckin hype. The best view, free food, OPEN BAR. Ohhhh baby. So yeah we were drinkin startin at 5:30. So chips, sandwiches, wings, salad, hotdogs aside...we saw the desserts and went *mouths open*. Al's like, oh we're gonna need bigger plates for this! and went to get meal-sized ones as we helped ourselves to 3 kinds of cake, hahaha. Fat. The girls workin the bar said it was last call so we piled up the drinks and went double-fisted back to our seats, haha. I got pretty close to drunk. Plus I had a Red Bull before we got on the train there cuz I didn't think I'd keep my eyes open for the rest of the day so I was WIRED. The Jays didn't win but it was still a good game. Some guy even proposed to his gf on the Jumbotron. She said yes :)

We were parked at STC which is right near Chris' condo so we went straight from the game to the party. Pris and Darien had just showed up when we got there and Chris and J were in the middle of a speech when we all walked in the building's party room. The whole night was a engagement party/welcome home to Jason/goodbye to them when they go back to Texas/Chris' graduation celebration. There were a whole bunch of peeps from hs and a whole other bunch from Waterloo that Chris and J knew. It was so much fun, it was good seein all of them. I had conversations with so many ppl and there was so much liquor in that room ;) Me and Al went runnin down the hallways racin eachother for some reason that escapes me, haha. She had run into this lil foyer that faces the swimmin pool area and there was this wicker couch there that she thought was empty cuz the back was facin us. She was sprinting, leaned left about to go jump on the couch, saw ppl were there and suddenly turned and went about her way LOL They musta thought she was crazy...which is justifiable cuz she looked like she was about to go flyin on top of them if she hadn't seen them at the last second. I'm like, didn't you see the guy's ARM? Blind-o. We came back to the room and Pris is like, WHAT are you guys doin? All I see is Al runnin past like this *pretends to run and swings her arms in circles like a windmill* and then I see you after her *pretends to run and swings her arms in circles like a windmill* LOL Me and Al are like, what! We were not...who runs like that?? LOL Ahhhh, such a good night. I laughed so much. Partly cuz they got Jason smashed and he's worse than me and probably just as bad as G. He got so red so fast and he stayed like that the rest of the night, even when he stopped drinkin. We'd be sittin on the other side of the room and periodically look over at him and see if it had gone down but his face, ears, and neck were still the same shade of red. But he did promise me he'd get wasted so props to him!

On Sun, I was tired and got up feelin crappy but I still got to sleep in. Sunday's plan was to go to the MMVAs that night with Megan and most likely Pris and Darien. But Pris wasn't comin anymore cuz the show ended at 11 and she had marking to do. Meg couldn't make it cuz of work in the morning and the last train home was at 10:30 so booooo! Me and Dar still wanted to go and we convinced Al to come with us. We figured to go a bit early so we might have a chance to get wristbands. Al drove to STC and we were gonna take the subway downtown.

We were already on the RT (Rapid Transit...like Chicago's L line) and I asked Dar if he brought his camera. He's like ?? I thought I did. He checked his pockets (which was amusing cuz he was wearin cargos and carries his life in his pockets so him pattin himself down in many places many times looked wrong) and concluded that he must've left it in the car.

"I swear I brought it with me."
"I dunno, I didn't see it when I came to pick you up."
"Do you wanna go back to the car and get it?"
"Oh no, don't worry about it."
"Are you sure? Wait, did I lock my car? Did you hear the beep?"
"I think I heard it. I'm pretty sure you locked it."
"So you wanna go get your camera or what?"
"Well I don't want your car to get broken into or somethin."
"I don't think someone's gonna break into the car to steal a camera in the back."
"Then again, it's Scarborough."
"But the windows are tinted right? They won't see a camera in there."
"Yeah, they're tinted. The back ones are, so they won't see."
"Well if it's gonna get broken into, it's gonna get broken into...if the camera was there or not."
"Just go get your camera!"

This went on for a few stops for us to finally decide to go back :P Darien's all, sorryyy! But it was OK cuz it was only him gettin off and payin the fare again cuz we just had to come around the other side and ride from the same spot. I said I'd laugh if we made this day-long effort and we don't even make it there, haha. Dar said he'd bring back ice cream from the mall. Ice cream solves 90% of everythin with Al who was a bit sulky she was bein made to go to the show at all (on top of her hate for screamin, jumpy teenybopper girls all in her space) so he came out with a huge double scoop cone for her and she was a happy girl.

We decided to check out Much to see if there was a big crowd yet before gettin somethin to eat. It wasn't too bad. They were doin some promo thing for the movie Land of the Dead so they had ppl dressed up as zombies covered in bloody makeup prowling the streets and goin into the crowds. They creeped me out. They kept comin around me and I just walked in a big circle away from them cuz they stay in character and can't walk very fast :P

We went to get food across the street. Some man was bitchin at some guy workin the Greek place and he kept comin and goin and the last time, he told somebody loudly that there were ppl up on the roof. We could see shadows over the skylights.

It was about 7 and the show wasn't gonna be til 9 so we just spend the time figurin out where to be. The view of the main stage in the parkin lot wasn't bad at all but there were columns in the way and a few tall ppl and a camera jib. We noticed there was ppl on top of the food court building we were just in and we're like, how'd they get up there? It was a pretty sweet view cuz it was right across where the stage was. We went around back and saw a few other ppl climbin on top of the dumpsters and the light fixtures and clambouring over the top. We were this close to doin it, haha. We were very seriously considerin it. The whole thing was not to much gettin up there but gettin down. And I'm scared of heights. And I brilliantly wore my Tommy slides (flip flops or sandals, whatever) instead of shoes. Not only was I gonna get stomped on (and I did...Al and Dar were squabbling all day cuz he makes fake mean comments and she threatens violence, and he finally did it and she got him in a headlock and he 'accidentally' stomped on my big toe...then they bickered on whose fault it was :P), now I made more trouble for myself if were gonna climb up this building. Darien's like, I'll throw down my shoes and you can wear them...tho you should probably wear Al's cuz mine are $300 :P Not to mention that she'd actually be my size, you jackass. Who brings over just 2 pairs of shoes from England to Canada, one of them bein your $300 ones for every day??

Anyway, so we thinkin of ways to get on the roof. The buildings next to it had security keepin ppl off and some didn't have balconies or anythin to hang onto or were too tall. One girl goin up looked like she was gonna fall any second. Looked kinda trecherous, you'd fall onto the big dumpsters and not soft garbage bags and if you missed, concrete. We looked around for taller dumpsters. The drainpipe on the side looked sketchy and the branches of the tree were way too skinny to hold anybody. Yes we thought of every option. The 2nd time we came around the back, the light fixture that they were all usin as a step near the top was barely hangin on by a corner. Screw it! Ground level it was.

We hung around the crowds by the main stage near the barricades, tryin out diff spots for the best view. Al said she saw a guy with a box of wristbands and I said they were probably givin them out. She's like, yeah go check that out. I saw the ppl in the parkin lot had purple ones so purple was the way to go. I left them and went lookin down the street. Someone was handin them out but there were too many ppl in front of me who were closer to him and he was leavin as I got there. I spent about 10 mins in diff spots when I came back to where Al and Dar were last. There was a guy handin out more but he was all out and left but maybe he was gonna come back with more so I waited there. I saw Al and Dar and they come up to me and they were wearin wristbands!! WTF! I should've just stayed there with them. So the 2 of them could get in and I couldn't so now we had a problem. It was gettin to be 9 and I know they wanted to get in there but askin the ppl for an extra one wasn't gonna happen. The most I was expecting was the handout person to take pity cuz I'd say I was the ONLY one out of all my friends who couldn't get in and they'd pick my outstretched wrist. It didn't look like that guy was comin back tho. Al goes into the corner store across the street and gets scissors. The wristbands are like plastic handcuffs and they fit to your wrist so dependin on how big your wrist is, you'll have the excess wristband stickin out. She cut that part off her wristband so it was just enough to go halfway around my wrist. Then she went to the store and bought "the clearest tape they had...Super Clear!" and stuck it on me. So I had this ghetto fake wristband on, haha. Then Darien gave me his Live Strong and World Peace bracelets to hide the non-wrisband part where it was all flesh, haha, and his big men's watch to cause clutter and distraction when the security checked for wristbands. Genius. I pulled my sleeve down and I'm like, I dunno, what if they stare at it, I'll be called out with my lame tape-band, haha. Al's like, I paid $2.29 for the tape, let's go! Here, take it. She puts the tape in my purse and I'm like, yeah make me carry the evidence! They did bag checks before checkin for wristbands and the first thing on top in my purse was the tape. The guy says, "You can't take this in" and flings it in the bin of contraband next to him and lets me thru. Al's ahead of me and I'm like, they threw out my tape! I can't believe he threw out the tape!" Haha. Apparently the dispenser had metal teeth on it where you cut the tape so that wasn't allowed. But they me in and Al and Darien with their digital cameras but not allowing disposables. I don't get it. They were really checkin before but the girl just glanced at my half wristband and let me thru. Wicked.

There were already a lot of ppl in the parkin lot so we were at the back but we somehow made it to the middle of the left side so we had the corner of the stage. Billy Talent, Ashlee Simpson, Black Eyed Peas, and the Killers played and we saw Carmen Electra, Jamie Kennedy, BSB, Vivica A. Fox, and Little X on the main stage, and Rob and Amber and Kalan Porter from afar on the smaller stage at the end of the catwalk. AJ from BSB is losin his hair :P Speakin of hair, the VJ Sarah Taylor's hair was long and straight instead of her normal fro, she looked amazing! I thought it was Alicia Keys for a second. She's a hot chick if she relaxes her hair. Anyway, that was an experience. I was really close to takin down these 14-yr olds around me. I mean you can have fun and scream and I know you're young and you loves these bands/ppl but if you don't take your craziness down a number, I'm gonna knock you. They were pushin and jumpin on my toes and bumpin me with elbows and wavin their arms all in my way so I couldn't see. I never did understand the fanatics. Even when I was 14, 15, 16, I never lost it when I saw my favourite celebrity. Holy shit, screamin their name and your love for them, they're not gonna hear you and they're not gonna stop what they're doin and come over to you. Wow, I think I just might break down and cry and hyperventilate when I get a glimpse of my star bf/gf. Yikes.

The performances were good. Tho the Killers shouldn't have played "All The Things That I've Done". They were the closer so I think it would've been better if they did "Mr. Brightside", or "Somebody Told Me" even tho that song annoys me. I don't even know who really won the awards tho cuz I couldn't hear and they were coverin the big screen for some reason, so I hafta watch it when they replay it on Much. I think I was on TV for a few seconds :P Al did end up havin an alright time. I told her she'd be smilin at the end of the night.

So after the show, we wanted to hit a bar but most places were closed cuz it was Sun. I would've liked to have gone to the Lucid afterparty but clubbin woulda been out cuz Al had work the next day. Plus, we'd miss the last train home. Which wouldn't have mattered cuz we missed it anyway!!

We went to Fox & Fiddle and had a few drinks. Darien paid for it all again. That boy's a peach :) I was really thirsty but I didn't want just a $3 soda, and I wanted somethin sweet so it would go down OK. Ordered some rum and cokes. Damn, I musta been dehydrated cuz they were gone fast. And that wasn't so smart cuz that got me on the way to drunk fast.

They asked me what time the last train was and I said about 1:30-1:45 somethin like that and not to take my word for it cuz I wasn't for sure. I again stressed that I wasn't 100% positive so if anythin happens, don't blame me. But I figured if we left a bit before 1, we should make it OK. We left around 1 and made the subway fine. We were pretty much the only ones there so we were messin around, swingin from the overhead bars and 'train surfing', haha. We looked at the time and it was gettin to 1:30 or whatever, I don't really remember, and I'm like, uh oh...faster, Conductor Man, faster! We got into the station and I'm like, be prepared to run up those stairs. I was half jokin too but we didn't wanna take the chance so we ran. JUST as we made it to the top and onto the platform, there the RT went. I yelled, "DON'T EVEN!!" And there was some TTC guy standin at the end who most likely saw and heard it all. We missed the last friggin train. We started to walk towards the guy to ask him if it was indeed the last one when a train came back and we're like, oh good. But it came in backwards so I dunno where it came from or if it was the same one and why would it come back, just for us? 2 guys who worked there came off it and said it was out of service and the last one just left. Dammit!

We went back downstairs to find a bus that went somewhere near STC and still ran at that hr but none of them did. So we got into a taxi and took it to STC. In the cab, I was sittin there and I'm like, my face is on fire, haha. Al touches my face and is like, OMG you're hot! I touched her face to see if she was as warm as me and she's like, holy crap you're hot everywhere! Oh that alcohol. The trip was a bit over $11 which isn't bad but still, if you were that close, it hurts :P And it's kinda retarded to take the subway all that way just to cab it part of the way, then drive your own car home. Anyway, that was an interesting end to our night. Good times. We have some rock star pictures of ourselves lookin like we were partyin til 3 am with sunglasses on at night, haha.

So I'm takin it easy Mon and today. Chris and J are leavin for Texas. Darien's parents and sister come into town today too. He told them to bring me and L these chips that you can only get in England that are so good. They had them at a British store called Marks & Spencer but they closed in Canada so this is the only way to get it :)

I'm out of money. THE END!


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