Friday, August 20, 2004

Well I've got some time to go before G picks me up tonight so...

We got our 2nd Olympic medal! Yay! Canada is comin up, look out! Haha. Trampolining...weird. The girl goes to my school too.

I made the sickest CD ever. Everrrrr. I should be a dj. I will rock/hip hop your socks off, playa! Hahaha.

I'm hyped. We're goin to the Maddy with a buncha L's friends from school cuz they're all done exams so it'll be off the chain. Drinks all around, baby. I know, I know...I'll take it slow this time...and extra pills, haha. Drunken stories will be told.

Well I just realized I hafta get ready so that should do it. Peace, party ppl

If you were a Sarah MacLachlan fan, you woulda loved the concert last night...obviously. Me? Not so much. You just can't get into it if you're not totally in love with the artist you're seein or don't even have their latest album :P I knew only a few of her songs (I was just waitin for "Sweet Surrender", haha) so I was pretty much sittin there with my head back against the bar, with half of Pris' jacket over me tryin not to freeze to death (yeah it got fuckin chilly that night!). Kinda boring but alright I guess...just not my thing. Place was packed tho...Toronto loves her, lemme tell ya that. She's got 2 shows...she's Canadian! She's sweet and talented and a funny lady (who knew?) but god that was a tame show for me. S'all good tix...I tried to get wasted, haha.

Me and Pris were at Ontario Place since like 4:30, walkin around and stuff. We were even there for the opener (Butterfly Boucher...but pronounced "like voucher but with a b"...sounds so much better as 'booshay', haha). Long show. Sarah just kept comin back out...I was just gettin like, how many songs is she gonna DO?? 2 hrs for her...over at 11:20...street car, subway, and bus took til 1:45...needed food and somethin hot, ate a Blast bar for dinner, haha...dropped Pris off, got home at 2 :P I got memories from seein Ont. Place tho. I haven't been there since I was a kid. Crazy.

Saw a lotta lesbians, haha. Then I realized, oh yeah...Lilith Fair, hahaha. Shut up, I love gay ppl. I'm sure somethin else funny/interesting happened but I really don't remember. Oh yeah, they taped the show for her DVD so you just might see me. I got a blue Polo cap on, haha.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

What can you say about P? There is NO ONE like her. We went to Timmy's and Q's...even laid-back stuff is crazy with her. And to further illustrate what a maniac driver she coffee was in the cup's not a dinky lil shallow cup holder, mind you, it was a deep-holed thing...she made a turn and my friggin coffee fell out and hit the floor. Yeah...she likes the accelerator...a lot.

So Lionel's in Turkey. Jason's still in India. Angie's in Japan. *Sigh* I don't like my friends bein away from me. No you can't have your own lives! :P

Oh yeah, it's been a yr since the blackout. That was a crazy. I should go back in the archive and read what I wrote.

Pris today on MSN, about Sarah tomorrow: "OMG I am SO READY!" LOL

It's a free-for-all day today so me and Al are gonna do somethin.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

"Boys are Stupid. Throw Rocks at Them." [As I say it in my best 13 yr old valley girl voice] Possibly 1 of the best tshirts ever. I am not stemmin this from personal experience, I swear. But while we're on this topic, what is up with this guy?? He's lucky I'm not the type who's all, 'where were you?' 'why didn't you call me?' 'who was that??' :P Meh. Buddy better get his act straight is all I'm sayin, haha.

Guess who I'm seein on Thurs night? Sarah McLachlan! Hahaha. Yeah I don't even know how to spell the woman's name, I'm THAT big a fan! (I just edited it cuz I pretty much mutilated it). I just find it really damn funny that I'm goin and I don't even really wanna see her. Pris has 2 tix from her mom who got hookups somehow and asked me. I told her L wanted to go, what a coincidence...but then again, she'll probably nerd it and say she has to study. I was right. So I'm goin. Her songs are alright but a bit too adult contemporary for me. But hey it's free and we've got box seats. And we're gonna make a day of it and chill in Ontario Place...cuz we're 9!

And I just heard weird noises comin from the bathroom and checked it out. It was a friggin squirrel gnawin at the paint around the window. There were all these chipped pieces, if I didn't know better I'd think it was tryin to chew its way in the house. The lil destructive shit. I knocked on the window and it took off. Now get outta the tree! God that thing is ugly up-close.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

I love how EVERYONE wants my time all at the same time! <----bein sarcastic here

That's all I have to say. Damn ppl...where were you when I needed you the other day?? :P

eta: Today was madness. There's a bad side to spotaneity, lemme tell ya! But hey, at least it keeps life from bein boring.