Saturday, January 24, 2004

Last night was hilarious. Milwaukee's had a longass line and it was too cold to be waitin in that shit so we hit up Fox & Fiddle, the big one downtown with 2 floors. I was the only one drinkin cuz I wasn't drivin or on meds :P Maybe it's cuz I had some alcohol, maybe I can find the smallest things funny, maybe a combo of both, but G almost made me die laughin. Well I thought it was funny! Really, really funny.

K so we all like to bag on G cuz she's the quietest (for real, she can't go louder than a certain point...I dunno, she just can't project). Let's just say if she yells, pretty much no one hears her. So me and her are goin to the bathroom downstairs and some big ol guy's standin in the way. It's kinda loud and the music's bumpin out, G's in front of me so she shouted "Excuse me!" Nuthin LOL She tried, she really did. We think the guy was kinda drunk so he wasn't really payin attention but everyone around him probably heard so that made it SUPER dry, haha! She totally yelled it and we're all just still standin there. I'm like, geez....Excuse me! and put my hand on his arm. He moved when I said it, haha. G's like, goddammit! LOL And she knew I was laughin my ass off cuz of that classic waiter incident ;) "Excuse me? Yeah OK, peace!" *Does the peace sign*

We're walkin to the bathroom and I'm still laughin about it. Didn't know someone was in there but all they heard was me crazy laughin and G tellin me to shut up, haha. G was ahead so she tried the 1st stall door but apparently she couldn't push it open, thinkin someone was in there. Somebody came outta the 2nd one so she went in there. I was waitin and the woman's like, I don't think anyone's in that one. I'm like, oh OK, and tried the door. There was a bit of resistance but all you had to do was push a lil harder LOL I'm like, G you weakling! There's nobody in there! Hahaha, that was pathetic. And that lady heard it all. When we came out, I was still laughin about it. The woman leaves and another comes in and takes the 1st stall. Then some other girl comes in and was about to try the 1st door and I told her the 2nd one was free and warned her about the door bein kinda hard. She's like, oh thought somebody might've been in there. I'm like, yeah we know LOL And that set me off again, laughin for a good min still before we left so THAT chick must've thought we were hammered too :P Ahhh...ya had to be there. I almost lost my voice.

And Fat Old Guy kept starin at L, hahaha. And she kept givin him winks and the tongue when he wasn't lookin. "Oh god! Don't ask for trouble, dammit!" LOL Oh and I bit into a jalapeno in the nachos AGAIN! Frig it.

I saw some flyer for some play up on the wall as we were leavin. I'm like, that guy's in my class. He's doin some big theatre production downtown. That's friggin cool. Next time I'll see him, I'll be like, hey saw your poster when I was comin outta the bar, haha. Hockey game? PS2? All of the above? What shall we do? Well somebody's drivin my ass cuz I'm not about to :)

Friday, January 23, 2004

Me and L went to check out Goodlife after the mall today. That yearly thing's gonna be a problem...600 for the yr? Fuck no. We'll see at the other one. But we got a free book! Haha. And I like how we went to BK for dinner afterwards LOL The girl doin our questionnaire thingy before our tour..."How are your eating habits?" "Pretty crappy." But derr, all these questions about our lazyass lifestyle...that's why we're JOINING the gym!

OMG yesterday it snowed and I had to get to night class. Took an HOUR just to get to Vic Park! I was like, by the time I get to school it'll be like 8, I should probably go back home. Plus I had to pee real bad :P But then it'd be a total waste of 2 bus tickets and if I did miss most of class, I could at least do the readings on reserve to make it worthwhile. But I was only 40 mins late.

Matt brought over his PS2 yesterday. Games games games (2/3 of them illegal, haha). Holy shit, whoever made up Manhunt was one fucked up person. I didn't know what the backstory was or how to play but apparently you're a fuckin psycho who skulks around in dark alleys bludgening ppl with bats and crowbars. CREEPY!! Damn, I would not play this thing in the dark by myself. Tho I'd hate to say that I kinda liked it. I feel really terrible sayin that I had fun killin these ppl! But OMG one part had these dead bodies hangin from the ceiling of some abandoned building and I was freakin out. I could walk into them and smack them with my bat and shit!

I didn't even realize it was Fri today. Ooooh we're goin bar-ing tonight so I'm out :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

My muscles really hurt :P Yes! Who's ready for the gym!

Finally got my voicemail on the new cell fixed, yay :) I couldn't get to hear the 4 msgs I had already so they were just sittin there for a few days.

I was tryin to think of this song that I downloaded a while ago but had to erase (since I don't have Kazaa on here anymore). I had no idea what it was called or who it was by...not even how it went LOL But I knew it was a wicked song! All I remebered was it was by some girl group and 1 of their names was America :P I know this cuz I heard the song on the radio and didn't know what it was called so I did a Google and came upon the group's website OK? Anyway, it was buggin the HELL outta me. I had the words on the tip of my tongue. After lots of useless research on the net, it finally popped into my mind outta nowhere. "For All Time!" Went to go do a search on Kazaa on the bro's comp. Soluna! That's it! Haha. It really bothered me not knowin. You don't even understand.

Saw Sayma on the bus comin home. Did the whole big dinner thing with the family. Watched the game. Just waitin for the money to come tomorrow, haha :)

Monday, January 19, 2004

It's a blah day. I'm suspectin I should be doin somethin school-wise but can't think of what. No film stuff cuz Meen's got my tape so...I'ma bum around! I actually worked out today to, I dunno, get my energy up and start gettin into the state of mind before joinin the gym with L. Gonna be hurtin tomorrow!

It's survey thingy time...cuz I just feel like it. Complete randomness....

first job: Sales associate in apparel at The Sports Authority

first pet: fish I guess...not that they were actually mine or that I even wanted them

first funeral: never been to one

first piercing: don't have any

first big trip: hittin a buncha states with the rents when I was...I don't even know...11?

last cigarette: Sept or Nov I think...I'm doin so good

last cry: I don't even know...not anytime recent but last yr maybe?

last movie seen in a theatre: Chasing Liberty

last book read: I don't read books, haha. Dunno, do bits and pieces of various school-related books count?

last library book checked out: Luis Bunuel: A Critical Biography (for school)

last cuss word uttered: Shit? I swear a lot

last beverage: Water

last food consumed: Vegetable Thins

last phone call: With G last night as she was procrastinating

last time showered: Today

last shoes worn: My Skechers

last cd played: My burned hip hop CD

last item bought: Gum and a box of wannabe Crispy Crunch chocolate

last thing written: List of things to do

last key used: The front door key

last kiss: Me kissin someone else, someone else kissin me, or mutually? Haha.

last ice cream eaten: A bite of Heather's...I think it was butter pecan

last lipstick: Don't really wear it...lip COLOUR, on New Yr's

last dancing: Today (felt like makin that parta my workout)

last show attended: Justin and Christina concert in Aug

Do you get depressed in the winter? I don't think so. Maybe a bit cuz of the blah weather sometimes.

Have you ever given anyone a haircut? No

What part of your body can you not stand people touching? Anywhere, when they have ice-cold hands and try to suck your body heat from you

What do you do with the cotton from pill bottles? Stuff it back in

Do you swear in front of elderly people? I try not to but sometimes I don't notice they're there til after I've said it

Do you swear in front of children? Same as above. If they hear, my's hopin they dunno what it means. If they do, then it doesn't really matter that I swore, now does it?

Do you hang up on people when they call and you get mad at them? Rarely

Do you like oreos? Yeah!

Are you in love right now? And that would be a nope!

Do you like candles?: Yeah

Do you believe in love?: Yes

Do you believe in soul mates?: Not sure

Sunday, January 18, 2004

L's cousin died in a car accident early Sat. She was upset about it but she wasn't in sobbin hysterics. She said they weren't tight tight but his family were good ppl. And he was only 26. That really sucks. I felt real bad for her...and her cousin's family. A buncha her relatives were killed in car accidents so it's messed up these things keep happenin. And I hate that I dunno what to say half the time.

They say that the best thing to do is to just be there and listen if they need it so that's pretty much all I can do on my part. Esp since I'm not exactly religious...atheist or agnostic or whatever, actually...and I dunno, like in the movies where ppl try to give answers by talkin about god and stuff, and I dunno about this kinda thing so I can't say anythin like that to comfort somebody. Plus I've never had to deal with death before I've never had anyone close to me die when I was around. All my grandparents died before I was born, except my dad's mom who's still around. OK well, there was my uncle. I was sad about that for a bit. He was awesome. He was my dad's bro and they looked exactly alike except my uncle had more hair, haha. He lived in NY and I watched his kid in that whole month of summer of bein a single teenage mom, haha. I remember hearin Puff Daddy's I'll be Missing You and that made me cry. But I also remember that I kinda felt guilty for not feelin sadder that he was gone maybe? Cuz I think I got over that real quick. Oh man but I felt so so sad for my dad cuz he's the one who had to deal with all the funeral biz. But he didn't seem tripped up about it much either. I guess that's my dad tho.

So anyway, L wanted to get outta the house and to go coffee or somethin but I talked to G and we decided to just go to her place. I listened, got her a coffee, tried to make her feel better. See, that's the other thing...I'm never sure how to be with someone cuz it all depends on the person, right? Like some ppl might wanna just grieve but have other ppl around them or some ppl might wanna go out and try to forget about it for a while. Figured L just wanted to be distracted and cheer up for a bit. She had brought her pix that I didn't have from my bday/New Yr's roll so I could scan them at G's so we were lookin at some good times. Then we were flippin thru all of G's albums and laughed at the memories and how we looked back in the day. I was like, you know what? I've got pix of us doin stuff together since like we were like 15. Esp our bday celebrations cuz we do them in blocks (cuz they're all in Oct, Nov, and Dec) every yr and I vividly remember the whole crew together on my 18th. Like, damn...we've been doin this for so many yrs. L's like, yeah it's good to have friends. And that made us all smile. Then we laughed at the way she said it...yeah it sucks to be a loner, haha. And then we laughed our asses off when L thought G had old nail polish on her toenails when in fact it was her crufty discoloured blood clots or whatever from hikin a couple months ago. "G, you're supposed to take off the old nail polish before you put a new coat on." LOL Me and G paused cuz the 2 of us knew it wasn't nail polish. I was gonna say, it's not even! It's her toenails, hahaha! and G all ashamedly was like, it's not nail polish, it's from hikingggg! LOL

So I think L felt a bit better goin home last night. Yeah you can tell I can't go on about depressin stuff for long. It sometimes starts to give me a lump in my throat and I'd rather not have that :P On that note, I was puttin my pix in my photo album and I forgot I left them in the tv room before I went out. I was like, aw mom's gonna nose thru them, I know it. Hope she likes the booze, cigs, and middle fingers LOL Geez, I hope the ones I have in there are clean!