Monday, January 19, 2004

It's a blah day. I'm suspectin I should be doin somethin school-wise but can't think of what. No film stuff cuz Meen's got my tape so...I'ma bum around! I actually worked out today to, I dunno, get my energy up and start gettin into the state of mind before joinin the gym with L. Gonna be hurtin tomorrow!

It's survey thingy time...cuz I just feel like it. Complete randomness....

first job: Sales associate in apparel at The Sports Authority

first pet: fish I guess...not that they were actually mine or that I even wanted them

first funeral: never been to one

first piercing: don't have any

first big trip: hittin a buncha states with the rents when I was...I don't even know...11?

last cigarette: Sept or Nov I think...I'm doin so good

last cry: I don't even know...not anytime recent but last yr maybe?

last movie seen in a theatre: Chasing Liberty

last book read: I don't read books, haha. Dunno, do bits and pieces of various school-related books count?

last library book checked out: Luis Bunuel: A Critical Biography (for school)

last cuss word uttered: Shit? I swear a lot

last beverage: Water

last food consumed: Vegetable Thins

last phone call: With G last night as she was procrastinating

last time showered: Today

last shoes worn: My Skechers

last cd played: My burned hip hop CD

last item bought: Gum and a box of wannabe Crispy Crunch chocolate

last thing written: List of things to do

last key used: The front door key

last kiss: Me kissin someone else, someone else kissin me, or mutually? Haha.

last ice cream eaten: A bite of Heather's...I think it was butter pecan

last lipstick: Don't really wear it...lip COLOUR, on New Yr's

last dancing: Today (felt like makin that parta my workout)

last show attended: Justin and Christina concert in Aug

Do you get depressed in the winter? I don't think so. Maybe a bit cuz of the blah weather sometimes.

Have you ever given anyone a haircut? No

What part of your body can you not stand people touching? Anywhere, when they have ice-cold hands and try to suck your body heat from you

What do you do with the cotton from pill bottles? Stuff it back in

Do you swear in front of elderly people? I try not to but sometimes I don't notice they're there til after I've said it

Do you swear in front of children? Same as above. If they hear, my's hopin they dunno what it means. If they do, then it doesn't really matter that I swore, now does it?

Do you hang up on people when they call and you get mad at them? Rarely

Do you like oreos? Yeah!

Are you in love right now? And that would be a nope!

Do you like candles?: Yeah

Do you believe in love?: Yes

Do you believe in soul mates?: Not sure


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