Friday, January 16, 2004

Randomness...the painful slash/gouge/cut on my finger finally scabbed over. Eww, I know but hey at least it doesn't hurt anymore every time I accidentally rub it. Besides doorways, I hate sharp cabinet door corners! I should really baby-proof this place...for myself, ain't that sad.

Vegetarian patties aren't as bad-tastin as you'd think. I can no longer say I don't like patties. Unless said vegetarian patty is as spicy as a normal beef one :P

I'm on the new 2nd computer in my bro's room. It smells like boy. But can I say that this sweet piece of machinery is frickin amazing? Wireless keyboard, Windows XP, it's actually FAST, and a ball-less mouse (I know that sounds wrong (*titter titter*) but I forget what they're called). Plus he has it hooked up to his stereo system so I have boomin sound :) I like it, I like it a lot.


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