Thursday, January 08, 2004

I just stubbed my 4th and baby toes...owwwwchies! :( Interesting how I can tolerate other kindsa pains but a stubbed toe can level me :P I hate doorways!

Lessee what else can I bitch about...oh my new cell's ringtones are all lame ass but turns out it isn't ringtone download compatible so I can't get a new one. Doesn't even have a normal ring. Oh and the phone ppl messed up this month's bill somethin stupid so I gotta deal with that now.

I have film class tonight. I hope to god I got at least a C last semester for part I. At least theatre class yesterday wasn't bad...but my project was, haha. Ah well, I can update it later and get it re-evaluated. And they're goin on a internship opportunity/field trip thing next week and I'm not goin so I only have 1 class next week :)


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