Saturday, January 03, 2004

Haha! I made an audio post! Yeah it's harder than you think cuz (besides the fact that I think I was pretty much gone when I made it...don't even ask least I don't sound like I'm TOTALLY wasted) it was a long distance call so I had to do the whole callin card thing. Why does Canada get excluded so much? :( Kiddin.

OK, the real New Yr's post! We hit up the liquor store at noon to get some booze and went back to G's for a bit. She friggin bought for Sarah, the lil 16 yr old. I'm all for fun but supplyin to a minor is just wrong, haha. I told her she's gonna make her an alky before she's 20 :P That Sarah is hardcore LOL Finally left for downtown, check-in was at 3. Yes, G wanted to get there asap just to get our money's worth LOL It's just weird how the Royal York had the lowest rates we checked. Who's a superstar? ;) We had to pop in a convenience store cuz G forgot her toothbrush AGAIN, got some food, bought some pop to put the vodka in.

The hotel was bling. We came in onto the 2nd floor and some guy with his dog was like, check-in's downstairs...have you seen the line? We look over the balcony and it was like an airport lineup. Ah well, G stood while me and L laid back on the couch :) The room was nice...but designed by a MAN LOL No mirror except in the bathroom...bigass walk-in closest but no mirror :P

Went to get ice, L struggled with the ice bucket lid, haha. Yeaaaah, drinkin at 4 in the afternoon LOL At least we had a bottle opener fo sho this yr...cuz it's on my key chain!

Don't remember if I said this before or after I started drinkin but I think the 1st time we went to get ice, me and L were makin comments about how the ice machine was in like a closet and the fire extinguishers were in a lil glass cabinet with a door too so the hotel had some door theme or somethin LOL and I totally blanked on what they were called so I was like, yeah the fire hydrants are behind doors too....did I say fire hydrant?? What're those spray thingys called again? L laughed at me but she didn't catch it til I mentioned it either so meh :P

But I did remember I said horseses, I'll admit that. Pris came over later to go out for dinner with us and I said, oh do you want a drink? We're bein terrible horseses. Yup, I called ourselves the plural of the plural of horse. I meant hostessess of course; I was slurring. Ah man, if you could only see the videotape, haha. It's gettin kinda worse lately tho. It's not new that I get pink in the face but it's always around the cheeks and now I've been gettin pink around the eyes. I looked like a crack addict. L wanted to open my Absolut and I said no but the ass did anyway and gave herself a straight shot of vodka and choked on it haha. That's what you get. I had to take my vodka in my big 1 litre Pepsi bottle in a wine glass cuz they took all the resta the normal glasses. Told myself I was gonna be a good girl this time and not puke this yr ;)

As usual G was bein a grandma and nappin in bed but we let her so she wouldn't have no excuse to bounce early from the club. She's got this thing where she's half-sleepin but she's still got this smile on her face. We're tapin her doin this and the covers are over her so we can't see where her hands are. Outta nowhere, she belts out, "If it makes you happyyyyyy!" You know, that Sheryl Crow song...and she's smilin and we're like, wtf. G, what're you doin under there?? LOL And apparently L heard her sing "If it makes ME happy" so we think she was havin fun with her solo, know what I'm sayin? ;) LMAO Jokes about that all much as G denied it.

Pris has this obsession with tea and they ran outta creamer so we were lookin around for some more and saw the cleanin lady's cart in the hall but she came back out before I could shnag some. Stole some from another one later tho...and shampoo for L too even tho she yoinked every other free thing in the room cuz she's ghetto like that haha. We even caught the cleanin lady on tape goin, "Housekeepingggg!" Like in I Know What You Did Last Summer 2, where you gotta give it an accent and a sing-song-y thing to it LOL Some dude in the room down the hall from us thought we were tapin him cuz he was like, hey I'm not supposed to be on film. We're like, not YOU and he's like, yeah I see the red light, haha.

We broke the New Yr's tradition of us orderin pizza for dinner so we were goin out to eat. Went to Joe Bidali's cuz La Fenice was full so we walked over. Nice place (with a pool table, woo!) but the food wasn't all that. Apparently they had a system where your waiter lights the candle on your table so that they know you're bein served. He lit ours but it went out so while we were waitin for our food, a girl comes over in between L and Pris and says, has anyone said hi to you yet? Pris is like half deaf in one ear and L's not that much better so Pris is just like, lalala and L's got that huh? look on her face LOL We're all thinkin, uhhhh no one's technically said hi to us but we're bein served, yeah LOL Um yeah, we've ordered already! She's like, oh OK cuz your candle's not lit, I thought you were still waitin, and she re-lit it. We're like ohhhhh, OK now :P

Pris headed home and we went back to the hotel. Took a shower before bouncin for club. Never been to Piccadilly Circus before but it looked hype. Got there and it was lineup city. We're like, aw fuck it's like all the new yrs before all over again. We had this theory that every yr it got progressively worse. Limelight, we got in before midnight and we celebrated alright. Guvernment, the line was insane and it was mad packed but we were inside and celebratin midnight too. Docks, we just made it on the floor and Karma, we were still in the coat check line at midnight. L and G were buggin that we'd still be outside on the sidewalk when New Yr's came around :P We waited about an hr before we got in. Chatted with some guy in front of us. The dudes behind us were smashed and singin theme songs to old shows like Fresh Prince and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles LOL Go Piccadilly, they actually cared cuz they said it'd be 20 mins and there was no more coat check but they just wanted to make sure we'd be in before midnight (and free water, wassup!). Good thing we had tix cuz the other peeps in the other line were gonna be waitin a while. We were just happy we were inside at 11:30. I was like, see? Plenty of pessimistic :P We took off our coats and just chucked them on the side of the platform.

A guy with a pointy party hat was wearin it around his neck so the the pointy part was at the back of his head and stabbin L in the face LOL Dude didn't notice til we took a pic of it and his buddy told him. What else, what else...I got hit up by some guys. The 1st just wanted to dance but he was high or somethin, haha. He kissed me then jetted. The 2nd hit on me tryin to get my digits while I was at the bar, cuz L was sittin out for a bit. I'm like, sure whatever and gave him my # with his faulty ass pen and he's like blamin me that I broke it LOL Big damn playa. He had to put my digits into his boy's cell, haha. His buddy that was beside him looked so much like Matt. I was gonna ask him if he was Matt's cousin or somethin *wink wink*, fully knowin that he wasn't LOL but not in front of his friend, I'm not mean :P Damn, I never remember any of their names! The 3rd guy was eyein me all night and busted my left ear drum yellin in it. At least he apologized in advance cuz he was hammered haha. He tried to ask me out but I'm like, I'm pretty busy this month LOL Dry. Ah well, gave him my # too. They better not call me LOL

Oh here's a highlight. So while L's sittin her lame ass out at the bar by herself, me and G are still dancin on the floor and we see her chattin with some chick, smilin and jokin. I'm like, haha, look, L made a new friend. We come up to her later and were like, who was that? L's like, I dunno, some girl. I said, yeah you were lookin kinda chummy and I was like, aww L made a new friend. She's like, yeaaah she was hittin on me. I'm like, shut the fuck up LOL So she maintains that the chick was hittin on her and she was no questions lesbian but I'm all like, she was probably bein friendly, just tryin to get you to dance....god! So that whole thing is now known as 'when L was hit on by a lesbian' LOL Which is possible tho, cuz I wasn't there :P

We kept runnin into the guy from the line. I saw him for the 3rd time was like, hey! So we finally did the formal name and handshake thing. Yeah forgot his name too :P Super nice guy. He was watchin our backs from that dude who was stupid hammered and floppin all over and bumpin ppl.

I was nowhere near tired by the time we got back to the hotel so we went exploring and took pix and shit. They were doin the whole New Yr's security thing before you could get on the elevators and up to your room again. We were hungry so we called but the Pizza Pizza closest to us were closed. And nuthin else was open either. I rolled a j in the room but I forgot a lighter (dumbass!) so we went lookin for someone with matches. Didn't want to borrow someone's lighter cuz I didn't wanna show everybody I had weed haha. I asked some smokers and every concierge person but no matches. Plus there were cops outside the front doors :P So we went around the back way and went outside. Then we realized there were a buncha hot dog vendors across the street. Thank you, hot dog guys! A couple of loaded guys came up while we were gettin our food and we're just like, omg do you know what you're even sayin? Really, how do you expect us to have a convo with you? 1 of them goes to me, what's your name? It's either DKNY (the label on my coat) or Gorgeous *eye roll* LOL

We go back in the hotel and we're sittin in the wing eatin and another guy stops and starts chattin it up. At least this 1 was sober...and pretty hot LOL We talk about where we went that night and stuff and he says somethin about havin to take a pic of 3 pretty girls and takes my camera and snaps one. I'm like, you hafta be in one but he wasn't havin it, sayin he'd ruin it LOL I'm like, fool, I don't want you bein the one TAKIN the picture, be IN it! Haha. Some girls walked by and he turned and was like, what a gwan? They double-take quick and 1 of them's like, wha? Ooohh! LOL He turned back to us and was like, sorry had to do it. Mad funny. He says him and his friends are goin to Film Lounge for drinks later but G and L are just about out so I knew they weren't gonna be down for it, but he says to call his room in like half an hr. I tried when we got back to our room but I almost forgot what he said he room # was...I got the front desk or somethin anyway so :P

G's already in bed and L's gettin ready for bed and she's got this mud mask or some shit on her face and in her PJs. We hear somebody say somethin like, yeah there's another card? (or cart?) on the end. Then there's a knock on our door. L freaks cuz she thinks I'm gonna open the door and she runs into the bathroom LOL I look in the peephole and I don't recognize the dude. He waits but then goes away. L's like who was that? I'm like, no friggin clue. Thought he might've been that picture guy's friend or somethin comin to get us, I dunno. L thinks he was with peeps lookin for doors with the Privacy sign thing on it (she put it on for some reason :P). Shoulda opened the door haha.

It's like 5 somethin in the morning and I'm still antsy so I roam around by myself. I even see the newspaper guy hangin the day's paper on the doors :P I'm on my cell tryin to make my audio post, walkin around the halls. A guy standin outside a room is like, you're still up? I'm like, haha what're YOU still doin up? He's like, true. I asked if he was locked out but he said he was just waitin for a buddy. Then him and his 2 friends went down to drink up some more. 1 was smokin in the hall and had a drink in his hand, haha. Guess no one gives a rat's ass at 6 am :P

Finally went to sleep but the rasses got me up at 10 so I had 4 hrs sleep. Even tho checkout's at 12. Paranoid fucks :P No one was lined up so they got me up early for no reason. L was wakin me up and I'm like, I had the WEIRDEST dream...but I don't remember what it was...but you were there, and G was there...and Toto too LOL She didn't really get it so I'm like, Wizard of Oz, loser. Then we I got home, I had taped a bit of Dick Clark's New Yr's Eve thing and just so happened that I saw the new M&M commercials. They're black and white and 1 of them was a scene from the Wiz, doin the whole "You were there, and you were there" thing! Freaky.

I really did have a weirdo dream but it's messed up how I remember I had one but not what it was about :P So I tried to stay up that afternoon but I knew I'd crash sometime. Slept for a few hrs in the evening. Did the family dinner thing. Then went out to Timmy's later :P

Oh yeah, last best phrase of the yr: "Money woo, money money WOO!" LOL Billy S and Ed the Sock :)


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