Sunday, December 28, 2003

Yesterday was mad crazy on my head. G wanted to hit the Metro Ref library downtown and I wanted to get some deals at Sam but I figured I'd just ride down with her but she wanted me to come too. I'm like, aw, do you want me to come come with you to the library? She's like, yes please...and I'll come come with you to Sam's! Haha, like our language huh? So I had to just sit there in the library while she did her school shit. Smart chick that I am tho, I had my CD player so I'm there zonin to music, then of course I got bored and I'm like screw it and started flippin thru whatever books that someone left on the table. Got some good readin done on 'famous and unique foreign and classic quotations' LOL Made me think tho...very insightful. I had nuthin else to do for a couple hrs, well :P

G got done so we got some pizza and tried to figure out which way to go after cuz Sam's is a few subway stops away. Knowin G and her messed up thing with cold, I'm like, do you wanna walk it cuz it's about 3 whole subways stops (not blocks) away...if not, it's cool we can hop on the subway again. Suprisingly, she said she could brave it, haha. I'm like, yeah we're big girls, some fresh air, some's not THAT far, we can do it. K the weather was way better than usual but it was still frickin cold.

And it's a fact: G sucks at directions...worse than I do, which is really sayin somethin. She rationalized with her lil trusty subway map that the library was on this side of this street so this intersects this and this street should be over here so we should go this way to get to Sam. Wrong. I shoulda looked at it and not trusted her LOL It's on Dundas, right where Eaton Centre is so it's cake but we were on Bloor so we weren't too sure how to get there from where we were. So I go on faith and she's like, we better be goin the right way cuz I don't wanna look like a dumbass if we hafta walk past the pizza place and ppl see us again. I'm like, you're such a loser, like they'd care LOL I said, we'll find out when we get to the next main intersection. Yeah, wrong way. I'm like, gimme that map. I dunno what or where she was lookin but she was totally off. I'm like, what're you LOOKIN at? These intersect so how could we pass them?? LOL We gotta go the other way! We went into some bookstore to ask somebody just to make sure.

Me: "Hiii, do you know which way is Yonge and Dundas?"
Girl: *Looks at us like we're half-dumb, half-weird* "Umm, that way?" *Points in opposite direction*
Me: *Turning to G* "Ha, I knew it!" *Turning back to the girl* "OK thanks!"
Girl: "And it's like a 20 min walk."
Me: "Yeah we know! Bye!" LOL

I rule. And I just love stickin it to G that she was so wrong..."Never trustin YOU again!" "I'm SORRY!" :)

Yeah so we walked a good 20 mins outside in the cold (saved on subway fare, yeah!) and went in and outta a few stores along the way. Figured it'd make sense to get a lil more shoppin in anyhow. It actually wasn't that bad. You know how long distances go by easier and quicker when you're with somebody and the time passes when you're chattin as you walk.

I was kinda worried that the Boxing Day sale at Sam was still gonna be insane even tho it was the 2nd day of it and there might be a long ass line outside but we got there sorta late so it had died down. We could be indoors, exxxcellent. So between there and the flagship HMV and Sunrise, we were goin back and forth seein if we were gettin the cheapest price. 20% off everythin in Sam, nice. But I was thinkin that Futureshop usually has cheap stuff but I hadn't been there recently so I didn't know if they had the DVDs or if they'd even be cheaper. Agh, decisions! After lots of deliberatin, I got Avril's DVD from HMV and Justin's from Sam...all for about $34, taxes included :) We were in there a while. G got the 2 Mummy movies on VHS for like $10, haha.

Then we hit up EC but we didn't know they were closin at 7 so we only had like half an hr :P Went back on the subway and took the bus to get off near Heather's work so G could pick up the car and drive the resta the way home. MORE walkin from the bus stop to Shopper's.

Later that night, us and Vick and L went to Timmy's. Had my contacts in since noon. Oh side note, some relatives of some sort were over before I left that afternoon and their kid was wanderin around. My sister came in my room and was like, who's that kid? I said I had no idea. She's like, he came in my room while I was in bed and he waved and I'm like, who're you?? LOL Then they watched Spongebob, haha. Anyway, while we were at Timmy's we touched on how I bought so much stuff with my credit card and I'm like, yeah I should figure out how much I put on it and made a list of everythin. Vick our resident accountant/math smartie totalled it up and it was like 400 somethin dollars. I didn't realize til then but I was like, fuuuuuuck. Then it all dawned on me. I bought too much stuff, man. FUCK. I was all happy when I got my DVDs but then I felt like shit all night LOL Which many would say was deservingly. Yeah yeah I know, I should know how much I spent since I'm the one who bought it all :P And I was pretty much becomin L and G goin buck wild with the credit cards. But really, after New Yr's, that's all that I was gonna use it for cuz I bought what I needed already. It just so happened that this was a bad month cuz I went bananas in the span of Dec. Woulda been smarter to stretch it out over a longer time but...the sales! It's not like I bought a $300 Gucci purse and $100 kicks or anythin...I bought lotsa stuff! LOL So I stressed myself mentally yesterday mos def. Then I realized I didn't know what my credit line was so I might be near my max already! Time to worry! I didn't even pay for New Yr's yet but the hotel was booked already so I'd be SCREWED. I'm like, shit, guys what if my max is 500? See, before I was all chill cuz Vick (who works at a bank) was talkin about how if you're under your parents, the limit should be a bit higher cuz your rents' credit is a lot more. Now Vick made it worse by sayin stuff about if it's a parent/child thing and it's the 1st card and whatnot, it wouldn't be that much. Told me to call the number on the back of my card to check my account and stuff. Got my balance and all my purchases but no credit line. Yes I do realize it'd make sense to just ASK the rents but you don't even know LOL esp since they'd be hit with a 400 somethin bill for the month and they don't know it :P

SO I checked the website (yay...I'm such a newbie at this) and found out I could just set up a sign-in thing and check my account. Dunno what the hell I was buggin about cuz my limit's like $3400!! Nooooo worries! LOL But OK OK, after New Yr's, I'm done for real. That's the last thing I gotta pay for so I'm good. I was so worried that I might not be able to do New Yr's that I was stressin about wearin the boots and PJs I bought cuz I hadn't touched them yet so if I needed to, I could return them :P Shame. And my precious Avril DVD I just bought :( I couldn't with the JT one tho cuz Sam was no returns, just I already opened it (had to listen to the bonus CD on the subway *ashamed face* Haha.) And I broke the fuckin DVD holder thingy where you press the circle in the middle to take it out, cuz I dropped it in Shopper's while tryin to take my gloves off :P That's just my luck too. I purposely try to pick CDs and stuff (like not the 1st ones in the front) that look OK on the outside cuz I usually end up with a case that's broken inside or a crack or dent or somethin. And then I go and drop this one. Thought it'd be OK cuz it came in a big box case thing. Oh well, s'all good now, it's straight. I can open my Avril DVD now :)


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