Saturday, December 13, 2003

It's all about the malls these days. The gals said we'd be goin to Sauga on Sun so I wasn't expectin to go shoppin before that but L wanted to go so I was all set to go bananas. I bought stuff from Boathouse :D I love this place! Got some black scrub pants and a cute T that go with my Minty Fresh shirt...Squeaky Clean! LOL The guy asked if I wanted to donate some money for cancer research with my purchase and I was like yeah OK, how much is good? He's like whatever, I dunno, I can't really tell you how much to give. Hmmmm. So he's like, I'd say $4.02 and I'm like, what's with the 2 cents? He said it's cuz my total's whatever whatever and it'll come out to an even $50. I was like ehhhh. This technically isn't even my money to give away but I felt bad, I mean it was goin to a good cause, CANCER come on! So I said OK, why not. He's like, really? Wow, I didn't even think you were gonna go for that, haha. I'm all, yeah well I'm in a generous mood ;) He goes, really? Well you can help me out some too. Haha. And I said, well if you take credit...:P So much for gettin that T on sale LOL Kiddin.

I tried on a buncha other stuff all over but surprisingly didn't buy more than that. We were even lookin to get me Baby Phat or Roca Wear gear, haha. Thuggin it! Cuz I'm that rich LOL More like, cuz it's so not my money! But checkin off face stuff, tinted Softlips, and hair dye (goin 'INTENSE' red! It'll still be dark but hey) off my list. Stuff I couldn't find in Shopper's (or for cheap)...thank you Walmart! Score LOL

So we went to STC today (I think by Mon's time, I'd probably hit up 4 malls :P) cuz Sarah wanted to get some stuff before goin to work. I got to look around but I figured I'd rather go all out on Sun. I love comin home with all those bags! Haha. Besides, P took up all my shoppin time by keepin me on the phone for like half an hr. So after gettin some more of G's errands done, me and P went over to her house to watch Better Luck Tomorrow.

And damn, me and her finally got around to the whole big serious talk about what happened to her this past yr. It's MESSED UP. I hardly ever get all real like that and I don't really like bein in that emotional serious place and then it's kinda weird cuz we always go back to normal THAT quick, like talkin freaky serious shit 1 second and be laughin jokin the next. But that chick's gotta know this shit. The whole time she was missin, we couldn't believe she'd think she couldn't come to us about it or even call us cuz everyone was scared about where she was. We'd drop everythin to come get her or if she called, she HAS to know that of us. But now I know everythin that went down. I'll call to her tomorrow mos def.....I feel like it's some intervention thing :P I was havin this deep revelation thing goin on around my bday. It was the whole you never know what'll happen tomorrow kinda thing, so I was all about the hugs and tellin everybody I loved them biz. It's important to let ppl hear it...or let them know if they don't. And that's my feel-good msg of the day, kids :)


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