Wednesday, December 03, 2003

What is this? I don't check in for a week and Blogger and Hotmail change stuff. I don't liiiiike it...monotony is good LOL Just kiddin, change is alright, I just like to be on top of it all. I don't change to you, you change to me! Haha.

But on to more important things...AWWWW YEAAAAAAHHH!!!! I'm outta school! Yeah that's right kids, I be done this semester with no exams and no more damn essays or assignments and not startin again til Jan :D Lemme tell ya, I just about killed myself gettin this hw shit done these past 2 weeks. I can't believe I was at school, workin in the library all those days, esp on the weekend, ick! This should be a nice long post since I haven't blogged in a while so grab a drink if you wanna read on.

So my last post was from last Tues. Wed I had my film presentation and my theatre project due. MADNESS. I had 3 hrs sleep, got up at 7, and get to my narratology film class not only ON TIME but EARLY! Booyah! LOL I vowed since this was the last class ever, I should at least try to make it on time just once :P I was the 1st one there...except nobody else was comin in for a while LOL A couple ppl trickled in and I like, uh oh, I know this is the last class and all we had to do was get our final essays in but. Turns out there was a fire alarm earlier and everybody had to get out, plus some ppl were just runnin late. And this is the class where there's only like 9 ppl anyway.

I got my shit pretty ready ready for the presentation but the project...oh man. My printer's not workin and I can't skip film class cuz of the presentation and I only have an hr before theatre class. I don't even know how much money I spent puttin print/photocopy credits on my card. And I've never had so many loonies and toonies in my possession at one time. I musta printed out like 150 pages, no playin. Then I had to cram those into friggin plastic covers which I didn't have enough of so I just made them into dividers LOL Most ghetto project EVER. I had to go to the archives room of the library and deal with that whole thing. I skipped about two-thirds of theatre class printin out shit before I came in. I also forgot we were supposed to bring food stuff (goin with the theme of the topic of our projects, to be fun) and I felt bad I didn't have anythin. Since I was super late anyway, figured I'd stop by the store and pick up cookies or somethin. $5 for Oreos! Fuck that, got a buncha Chupa Chups and a Pepsi...which all came to a total of 7 friggin dollars. $6 worth of lollipops! And then I forgot to give them :P So I now have way too many lollipops than I can eat.

Me, J, and Al were thinkin of goin down to Waterloo on Thurs for some pub party and to visit Chris for the night and then drive back at like 2 am cuz J had work that day. Then Al realized she couldn't go cuz she had a presentation on Thurs and couldn't skip it cuz some other group member was already not goin. J said we'd probably leave about 4 pm but I had my film class at 7. I technically didn't hafta be there but I had my final essay to hand in. Figured I could maybe hand it in early, before class but then I didn't know how to get it to my prof. So it was a whole big thing about gettin back to J about goin or not cuz I first of all had to see if I'd even get my essay done in time to go. So of course, I didn't. And since Al wasn't goin, I wasn't all that hyped to go anymore. And if I wasn't goin, J didn't see a point in goin either. That woulda been off the hook tho...dammit :P Oh and showin how nobody tells me nuthin, J told me Chris got a job with Microsoft for co-op and will be movin to Cali to work for Hotmail from Jan-April! Crazy! But anyhoo, we should all be goin down to visit Chris before the break's over and the move to Cali and J goes back to Waterloo too.

So I basically skipped class that night still typin up that mother of an essay, bussed it to school, and tried desperately to get there before class was done at 10. It was rainin, got my shoes wet which meant I got my socks wet, I was already in a stressed out, impatient, bad mood. My fucker of a printer's still broke so I didn't even have my essay printed out yet but had it on disk. I got to class at 10 and there were a couple ppl still in there with the prof. I figured I could tell him the sitch and go print in the library and be back in like 10 mins but then I thought that'd be rude to ask him to wait for me to get my shit done when class is over. So if he said um no, then I'd go, but sir! It's right here, I have it on disk, you can take it home with you even! But then I thought that'd be just pushin I had other stuff on that disk that I wouldn't necessarily want him lookin at LOL Not like PORN or anythin, but my resume (where are those damn e's with the marks on top?...damn character map) and my other essays and stuff. Then again, it'd just be mean and anal for a prof to deny an essay when it's right there but just not on paper. SO I decided against goin in class and headed for the library and I'd email it to him like I couldn't make it to school. Didn't know what his policy or whatever was on receivin emailed essays but meh. Figured it'd be even worse for him to deny acceptin my essay if it's, again, right there just not in hard copy form LOL And I put a Sent copy in my folder just in case it didn't get thru or I'm questioned about when I sent it cuz I sure ain't gettin no late marks taken off. Takin ALL precautions! Cuz I know me and my luck and my school likes to screw me like that. And I dunno WHAT the hell took me an HOUR editing my paper but I did...and the library was closin LOL 11:00, left the library, forgot to return the video I borrowed for another class but the video library was closed. I checked my account on the computer. It was due that night before 11:59 and I read I could give it to the front desk. I asked the guy and he said he'd take it for me. S'all good, I leave again. Forgot my disk in the computer, entrance doors were locked, had to go thru the exit doors and all the way back up a floor, left again. Forgot I was carryin all the books I was usin for the essay in my backpack still, turned around and went back to put them in the return dropbox. GEEZ! Got home at like 12:30 am.

My prof still hasn't emailed me back sayin anythin about the essay so I'm gettin worried. I wrote that if it wasn't OK for the essay email, I'll take the punishment of a day's late marks and asked how I could get it in to him. That guy does NOT check his email or somethin. But I think he's normally good about it cuz the last time I emailed him I got a reply, so err? I emailed him again askin if he got it or whatever, still nuthin. Hopefully he's just real biz with all the other essays and he got mine OK so he didn't hafta answer about it. Please god, don't screw me.

So last Fri, I was done all that shit and I just wanted to do somethin fun before workin on my next and thankfully last essay due on Tues. Watched Bruce Almighty finally and did the coffee thing. Went out Sat too LOL I'm very bad. I'm aware that if I just didn't do this kinda thing and cracked down on my hw, I'd be done and I wouldn't stress as much but MEH! It's my motivation :P Oh and did I mention my 2 aunts who came from NY stayed over for a week? Yeah, they're just like my dad...SO LOUD! So there's the 3 of them goin at it all the time (it's just how they are, they just don't know HOW to talk quieter...esp when they're all together bein siblings and all) So I'm just like, I don't NEED THIS! I'm tryin to do my hw! LOL A line you'd never hear me say.

And I got that last film essay done this weekend. I'm like, screw it, I'm not goin to the library again and certainly not on the weekend so I dealt with the books I had and made like a hermit and stayed in for 5 days workin on it. Prof said make it about 5000 words, holy crap, but minimum 3500 and max 7000. Haha, yeah which do you think I'm gonna do? I don't even know what I could be covering in those many pages. Like those insane theses (plural of thesis?) What in the world could you possibly hafta say about one topic takin up like 80 pages??? Punched out 16 pages about the significance of time and space in films by Bunuel in a day...made it to about 4000 words tho ;) Yes ppl, it can be done. How good? I dunno LOL He said we could email this one so I was all, booyah, more time to work on it...cuz that never specifies what time it's due that day :) Just as long as it's in before midnight, haha. So it's all just, get thru this, you can do it, when this is done, you can go stupid crazy for a month, you're almost there. I finished it, sent it, and just like that, I was done. Free. It's never as good as I think it'd feel, probably cuz I made such high expectations of it, but no more stress. Feels very very nice not to have a weight on you. It was Fish's bday on Sun too. Sent a e-card, we'll get together when everyone's on holiday break and back home. And now can party my ass off for my bday...on Thurs, Fri, and Sat LOL


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