Tuesday, November 18, 2003

L's grad was interesting. K well not interesting but you know. I say interesting to describe things that are very well NOT all that, say, riveting...or exhilerating. Or I just say it to mock you in the form of a single word. It was eye-opening, let's say that. But see, when I say eye-opening, it gives the impression that my eyes were open the whole time, when they weren't as I was sittin there for a couple hrs tryin to semi-nap. But good god, I've never seen so many camera flashes except maybe at an Nsync concert. BLINDED!

We got there super early (it's L, what a surprise...paranoid paranoid!) so there was a lotta standin around and waitin. Then again, it's grad so that's that. I dunno why I was there, I was neither the graduate nor the parent LOL OK I was the supportive friend who was in charge of takin pictures cuz the techno-challenged rents weren't trusted :P Oh and I just hafta mention when me, L, and her mom were standin around the front outside. There were still a buncha ppl around the campus but there was pretty much no one else around where we were. Some old woman (in her 50-60's, whatever) was tryin to parallel park her car on the lil walkway-street thingy across from us. She was backin up in the space and L's like, look look she's gonna hit the car behind her, she's gonna kiss it. We all looked and she sure nuff binxed it. Then she corrected it...then hit it again LOL Obviously, reversing and parkin was not her best skill. Damn, we were laughin. L's like, look she's gonna do it again! LOL OMG this woman almost went for 3. She didn't hit hard enough for the other car to go rollin but it looked like it was just about to. They really were just taps but still. Then there were a couple campus cops around. Apparently 1 saw the whole thing LOL He came up to her as she parked normally finally and was comin outta her car. And apparently she was laughin about it too cuz he said, "It's not funny ma'am, you just hit that car twice." LOL And he wrote her up. She was goin, it was nuthin, look the car's fine, and all that the whole time. She was all about to walk away and she looked like she was late for somethin or whatever but he's, nope ticketing your ass! L's like, I'd LAUGH if she was a dean or somethin LOL Terrible. We coulda been witnesses if we were that evil..."Officer, we saw the whole thing!" Coulda had it on tape too cuz we had a video camera LOL Super zoom on the kissin of the bumpers, cuz we're mean like that, heh.

Yeah that was the highlight of the day LOL Anyway so the whole convocation was pretty much an old dude talkin about ppl I dunno and about a school that I don't go to, and watchin each and every grad walk up and get hooded. Which sucked cuz L's last name's in the Ds so it was the whole resta the alphabet after her and it's not like you can up and leave when your kid's done. The old guy said a buncha stuff, I don't even remember what now tho, and I promised myself I wouldn't cry LOL Just kiddin. Good for me that I can sit for hrs, doin and sayin nuthin without killin myself outta boredom. I've trained myself well :)


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